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When Miguel and his friends arrived at the dorms, it was almost 1 in the morning. Luckily, Miguel doesn't have to go to work today. So him and Ricardo were sleeping in.

It's almost noon, the latest Miguel has ever slept. He usually wakes up around 8-10. But last night took all of his energy away.

His phone buzzes in his nightstand. He reaches out for it and sees on the screen a text. From Hiro.

Miguel sits up from his bed and reads the text.

Hiro (Chinito bonito): Morning ☀️

Miguel: Buenos Días Chinito 😚

He sends the text and rubs his eyes. He looks back down at his phone and reads the text he just sent.

Then he realizes what emoji he used.

Miguel: ¡MIERDA!

Ricardo: HUH?! WHAT?!

Ricardo bolts up from his bed and so does Dante.

Miguel: Oh, sorry Rica. And Dante. Didn't mean to wake you up

Dante goes back to sleep.

Ricardo yawns and walks over to Miguel.

Ricardo: ¿Que paso?

Miguel: .......I accidentally sent Hiro...

He hands his phone over to Ricardo so he can read his text.

Ricardo reads the text from Hiro and Miguel.

Ricardo: ......*snorts* Yeah, 'Accident'

He makes finger air quotes when he says accident.

Miguel snatches back his phone.

Miguel: I just woke up! I'm still half asleep!

Ricardo: Suuuurree

Ricardo walks back to his bed.

Ricardo: So, are you going to go out with him?

Miguel: Huh?!

Ricardo: ¡No seas ganso! You know what I mean

Miguel's face flushes into a deep shade of red on his cheeks.

Miguel: .....Yo no se

Ricardo: What do you mean you don't know?!

Miguel: I just don't know!

He buries his face on his pillow.

Ricardo sighs.

Ricardo: Ay Miguelito. You're such a chaotic bisexual

Dante: *Barks*

Miguel lifts up his head to look at Ricardo.

Open Mic Night (Higuel/Hiroguel)Where stories live. Discover now