Dia De Muertos

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The day is almost here.

Día de muertos is in 4 days. And everyone in San Fransokyo is getting ready for Halloween. All the stores have been selling Halloween merchandise and Halloween costumes since the beginning of October. The cafes are selling Halloween themed pastries such as donuts decorated as ghosts, pumpkins, skeletons , spiderwebs, etc. And haunted houses have been set up since the beginning of October as well.

Meanwhile, all of the Latinos/ the Latinx Community are getting ready for Día De Muertos. Setting up the ofrendas, buying candles, alebrijes, making pan dulce or going to the Latino supermarkets and buying pan dulce, buying fake marigolds since buying real marigolds are very expensive and difficult to get. Especially in San Fransokyo when the majority of the population are Asians and there's only a handful of Latinos living in the city.

As Ricardo, Marisol, Rebecca and Iris plan on going to visit their families for Día De Muertos, Miguel is all alone for the holiday. He can't go to Mexico and be with his family for the holiday, not while working part-time and going to school full time.

Its just like any other day while working in the cafe. Miguel takes orders, cleans tables, sweeps, nothing new. But business has been getting back to its original busyness.

Miguel is cleaning up the silverware from a table and almost tripped on the leg of of the chair.

Aunt Cass: Are you okay Miguel?

Miguel: Yeah I'm fine

Aunt Cass: Are you sure? That's the fifth time you tripped and almost fell. What's going on? You know you can tell me

Miguel: Yeah I'm sure Tia Cass, and thank you for telling me that I can come and talk to you if there's something troubling me. It's reassuring......

He smiles but Aunt Cass can tell it's forced cause his expression says something else.

Aunt Cass: Well ok....

Miguel walks to the kitchen and puts the dirty dishes in the sink.

He lets out a long sigh.

Aunt Cass looks at him all worried.

Hiro walks in the cafe.

Hiro: Hey Aunt Cass

Aunt Cass: Oh! Hi Hiro. Back from school?

Hiro: School was over at three. I was in the lab working on inventions for the past three hours

Aunt Cass: Should've known

She chuckles.

She goes to a table and picks up more dirty dishes.

Aunt Cass: So any plans for Halloween?

She says as she walks to the kitchen while looking at Hiro.

Hiro: Not really. Maybe watch a scary movie or go to a haunted house with the group. I don't know

Hiro shrugs his shoulders.

As she was about walk in, Miguel walks out, using his back to open the doors while holding 2 plates in each hand, and they crash. Plates shattered and food splat on the floor.

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