(The Traveling 5 Arc) The Fury of A Thousand Stars

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Any other characters mentioned are OCs.

Jimmy awoke with cobwebs around his waist and forehead, covering up his previously bleeding wounds. Scott curled up beside him, intertwining their tails and having his head resting on Jimmy's shoulder, allowing the pale yellow cat to feel the vibrations from his mate's purring as he slept. Jimmy sighed happily, perfectly comfortable just where he was. He couldn't remember the last time he felt like that.

He wasn't tired in the slightest, but he basked in the moment for hours before he heard a cat stretching and yawning. He kept his eyes closed, assuming it was either Pearl or Cleo and they were about to wake him up to get him and the others moving anyway, but to his surprise, the cat shook Scott awake and carried the voice of Martyn.

"Scott?" The yellow brindled cat whispered. "Scott, can I talk to you?"

"Hmnnn, what?" Scott moaned, not exactly the morning type of cat.

"Just- it's important, okay? I don't know if I can tell anyone else, please," Martyn said. Scott reluctantly but carefully removed himself from the company of his mate, following Martyn out of the clearing. When he finally deducted that they were gone, Jimmy lifted his head up to see where they went when Cleo walked just past him, cobwebs covering her burned shoulder. They noticed Jimmy awake and nodded their head, inviting him to join them on whatever it was that the other two were talking about. As bad as he felt for intruding, Jimmy followed in silence, his morbid curiosity taking over.

"-you know you can just say it," they heard Scott say, his voice still groggy and filled with sleep.

"You don't understand, I messed up, I messed up really badly." Martyn said, pacing back and forth nervously.

"It can't be that bad." Scott said, rolling his eyes. "Did you accidentally trespass on some clan territory or something-"

"I burned down the barn."

All 4 cats stood there in silence, all but Martyn shocked to their core.

"You did WHAT?!" Scott said, suddenly wide awake and fully aware. Martyn shushed him as the still sneaking Jimmy looked over at Cleo, the only hint at her crumbling composure being her paper thin pupils.

"Not so loud!" He said, ironic all things considered. "I didn't mean to do it, I just- I wanted to find you and I found the barn and I went in through the back but it was so dark so I found one of those lanterns and tried to get it to light again like I saw some two-legs do once but it was broken so a spark flew out onto some hay and I didn't know what to do so I ran!"

Scott took a moment before trying to speak, flabbergasted. "Martyn, you-"

"Filthy little LIAR!"

Cleo leaped out of their hiding spot in the bushes, tackling Martyn to the ground. "You'd just let anyone but you take the blame for your stupidity?!"

"AH! WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!" Martyn asked frantically, clearly terrified as he tried to wriggle out of the ginger cat's grasp to no avail. "SCOTT GET HER OFF OF ME! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!"

"Do you even know how many cats you almost killed?!" Cleo snarled. "Better yet, how many cats you're going to kill now that their best source of shelter is gone?! Leaf-bare is coming up real soon and I don't even know if we're going to find somewhere in time! All of that, and you decided not tell anyone?!"

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