(Short) A Mouse in the Kitchen

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Any other characters mentioned are OCs.

Bluepaw groaned, watching on with anger as the mouse scurried across the shiny, clean floor, away from his waiting paws. Impatient and frustrated, they started to run across the floor to give chase, only for an elderly white cat to block their path.

"Settle down, the mouse will come back for the food another time," Whiteslime advised.

"But I had it!" Bluepaw insisted. "I'll get it this time! Let me get it!"

"Now now, that's certainly not a tone you take with me," Whiteslime said, her gaze starting off scornful, but quickly changing to show more concern for the younger cat. "What's the matter, Bluepaw?"

"What's the matter? I've been chasing that stupid mouse all day! I haven't been able to catch anything!" Bluepaw complained, sitting down with an agitated huff.

"I wouldn't call the mouse stupid if it's been evading you all day," Whiteslime said, sitting next to Bluepaw. "How about I go find it and chase it towards you? It'll be so busy running from me, it won't even notice your waiting claws."

"I don't need help! I can do this on my own!" Bluepaw insisted, his fur still bristled up in anger. Whiteslime sighed. She kept a close eye on Bluepaw, but otherwise didn't bother them as they sat in silence together for a while, watching the two-legs pass around the kitchen. Eventually, Bluepaw seemed calm enough now to listen.

"I remember being that stubborn when I was a warrior," Whiteslime started. "Back in my old clan, our skills were strength and bravery. Our best warriors could lift heavy branches and roll around rocks that other leaders would sit on for Gatherings. I always strived to be like them, in any way I could."

Bluepaw finally looked up at his mentor, nearly forgetting about how angry he wanted to be when it was replaced with his intrigue to hear another story from her.

Whiteslime continued. "There was once, when I was fresh out of being an apprentice, one of our patrols spotted a big, orange fox around our territory. I wanted to prove myself, so I went out alone to try and find it. I hoped I could kill it like any other prey,"

"But- but you told me about foxes before! I remember them! They're huge, aren't they? Why would you try and kill one by yourself?" Bluepaw asked.

"How do you think I know how big they are? I wasn't always so wise, you know," Whiteslime said, chuckling. "So I found the fox, and I tried every fighting skill I knew, but the thing was relentless. It even had me trapped under its paw at a point."

Bluepaw's eyes were wide by now, their tail swaying back and forth.

"There wasn't much I could do from there. I knew the fox couldn't be taken down by just me now, but I also didn't want to let it go without a proper warrior-hearted fight. So I called for help, and one of the morning patrols heard me. That was when I realized that none of the cats in my clan could take it down on their own. When they moved heavy branches or pushed around heavy stones, they always did so with other cats. If even one cat in the patrol hadn't nipped at its legs or distracted it from the others or landed any blows with their claws and teeth, we would've never taken it down."

"Really?" Bluepaw spoke in astonishment. Whiteslime nodded.

"You see, when I called for help, I wasn't giving up on killing that fox," she said, "I was refusing to give up on killing that fox. And now, I'm sure you wouldn't want to give up on catching that mouse, right?"

Bluepaw thought about it, then nodded vigorously. Whiteslime flashed him a smile before spotting a hint of movement out the corner of her eye. She signaled Bluepaw to wait where they were as she bounded off towards the movement.

Before he knew it, she was running back towards him, and that annoying ball of grey fluff was mere inches away from her. Whiteslime was right, it was far too focused on running away from her, and Bluepaw couldn't have picked a better moment to pounce on their prey.

Mouse never tasted so good.

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