(Short) Trouble Couple

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"Shady! I found it!"

Smallbean popped his head out of the doorway to see his mate, Shadowqueen, running towards the small room he was in. The amount of food the two-legs kept inside was already massive, and that wasn't even talking about the box that stayed cold on its own and how much food was in there too, but the two had stolen from their, albeit abstract, fresh-kill piles plenty of times before. No, this time they were looking for something specific. Something Smallbean swore up and down he found once as a kittypet kit and could never get enough of.

"Toss it down!" Shadowqueen said excitedly, her half pink half blue eyes sparkling with delight. Complying, Smallbean pushed the box off of the ledge, Shadow catching it in her paws and only being slightly thrown off balance. As soon as her mate came down and she set the box on the floor, a crinkling sound could be heard as some type of two-leg food slid out, wrapped in something clear and shiny.

"Oh-ho, there it is!" Small said, his own green eyes also sparkling with delight. His tail swayed back and forth as he walked to a packet, rubbing his brown and white split pelt on it just to be sure it was safe.

"You can't eat the skin on these, right?" Shadowqueen asked, sniffing another packet as she shook her head to wave her extra long pink-tipped fur out of her face.

"Yeah yeah, just like those chip things," Small confirmed, settling down to rip the transparent skin off. "I think they called these cakes,"

"That sounds weird," Shadowqueen said.

"I know right?" Smallbean agreed. "It has like... the texture of moss, but trust me, it tastes so good."

"You suuure you're not tricking me into eating moss?" Shadowqueen asked jokingly.

"Aww, Shady you know if I was tricking you into eating moss you would've found out 2 hours ago when I asked you to come with me!" Smallbean giggled, getting the calico to laugh with him. They tore into the packs, already entranced by the smell of the dessert, and the first bite wasn't any less enticing.

"It wouldn't kill us to have more than one, right?" Shadowqueen asked. Smallbean grabbed the box by the closed end, tipping it over and letting the rest of the cakes fall out.

"As long as you have room for it!" He said cheerfully.

They were halfway through their second packs before they heard a voice call out.

"OI! WHAT'RE YOU TWO DOING 'ERE!" A pale yellow cat yelled, his fur standing on his back.

The mates bolted it to the back door that was still propped open, Shadowqueen grabbing an unopened packet before running. The kittypet chased them, though with how slow he was compared to them, he wasn't putting up much competition.

"Smell ya later kittypet loser!" Smallbean teased as he ran out. The duo jumped over the fence as the pale yellow cat tried to do the same, only failing and ramming himself into it.

"Stop stealing from my two-legs!" He yelled once he recovered from the crash.

"See you next week Jimmy!" Shadowqueen called, her voice and her mate's laughter distant as the couple got farther away, leaving Jimmy to just huff and retreat back into the two-leg nest.

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