Cookie's Home (part 1)

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Any other characters mentioned are OCs.

"Cookie! Skittles!"

The black cat's head reared up as he heard him and his brother's names, the metal piece of his blue collar jingling with his movement. As Cookie got up and stretched his resting muscles, the black and grey Skittles bounded past him, yowling in excitement as if he were still a kit. Cookie rolled his eyes at his littermate. They were both 6 moons old now, he had to be more mature than this!

Cookie walked into a large room in his two-legs' den, the carpeted floor comfy on his paw pads. It was then that he ran into Skittles, and just as he went to ask what the hold up was, he saw a new two-leg in the area, one he didn't recognize. He and his brother were rightfully cautious, but their own two-legs coaxed them over, and they slowly got used to the strange presence in the room.

Their she-cat two-leg picked up Cookie, holding him in her paws. The strange two-leg stared at him as he heard his two-leg start speaking, occasionally turning him around, but of course he couldn't understand what she was saying. Then their tom two-leg picked up Skittles and went through the same routine. The littermates looked between each other time to time, like they were silently trying to ask each other about what was going on, but neither of them had an answer anyway. The stranger looked closely at Skittles, and while Cookie couldn't understand his words, his tone seemed to be happy and interested.

Finally, it was clear Skittles got tired of being held and gawked at, so he yowled and battled his paw at the tom, who dropped him down in surprise. Skittles darted away and out of the room, but Cookie noticed him peak his head out from the corner, observing them.

The strange two-leg nodded at Cookie, sharing a few more words with the she-cat two-leg before she walked with him over to a table. The table had some sort of trap on it, colored a bright blue as if that made it less menacing. Cookie mewled in discomfort, but his two-leg pushed him inside and closed the entrance, sealing him in. When the stranger picked up the trap and him within it, he started to panic. He scratched at the bars holding him in, meowing loudly for any sort of help as he was carried away from his home. He saw the same thing happen to his mother soon after their two-legs started feeding them kittypet food, and he knew he wasn't going to come back if he was taken away. He heard Skittles yowling for him, but with the thin holes around the back and sides of the trap being constantly jostled by its movement, he couldn't see where his brother was.

He was brought outside and recognized a giant grey monster that sat just in front of the den. The two-leg holding him put him in the monster's belly, doing the same to himself to Cookie's disbelief. The rest of the trip was a blur to the black cat, being jostled around his trap and the outside world being nothing but a flurry of color every time he got a chance to glimpse. He curled tightly into a ball, claws digging into the floor of the trap in a futile attempt to steady himself.

It felt like forever and a day passed when the shaking died down and he was taken out of the monster, though that on its own did nothing to calm his nerves. He couldn't even pick his head to to look outside as he was carried for a while until the scent of the unfamiliar outdoors was replaced with something even more unfamiliar. He was finally set down onto the floor, and he heard the trap open before a distant two-leg called out, and the two-leg once carrying the trap left to investigate the noise.

Cookie finally took a peek outside. The floor was smooth and plain white, as shiny as one of those "vases" his two-legs had laying around in their den. Smells of food wafted to his nose, and good food too, nothing like the flavorless kittypet food he was used to. He had smelled things like this only once, when he was out playing in the backyard a moon or two ago and noticed a puff of smoke and a large group of two-legs gathering in another den. The smell was enticing, but the tall white barrier between his den and the adjacent one kept him from crossing over.

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