Happiness Is: Part 1

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(The dance scene has a bit of inspiration from Happiness Is in ElizabethShelby 's Alchemist out of Corona.)

Varian isn't sure what the Lorbs are partying about, but they sure can throw a good party! The gang sat on logs around a fire, while a Lorb band played flutes and drums to make lively music. Lance and Hook Foot danced in sync in front of the fire.

"Boy!" Eugene exclaimed, holding a coconut full of coconut milk. "Lorbs sure do know how to party, huh Blondie?" He turned to look beside him, only to find that Rapunzel wasn't there.

"Where's Rapunzel?" Varian asked, sitting on a nearby log next to Cassandra.

"I'm sure she's on her way," Cassandra reassured him. "After all, who would want to miss... this." She gestured towards Lance and Hook Foot, who were still dancing, their moves getting more and more elaborate. Varian looked at Cassandra out of the corner of his eye.

She seems like she's in a good mood, he thought. Maybe... I should ask her? He shrugged to himself. No time like the present. He stood and extended hand to Cassandra. She looked at him with a questioning look in her eyes.

"What?" She questioned. Varian's cheeks flared red, but he didn't think Cassandra could see it in the light of the fire.

"May I have this dance, m'lady?" He asked politely, bending over slightly. She looked startled. Varian noticed and quickly retracted his hand. "S-sorry," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "You don't have to if you don't want to." Suddenly, Cassandra stood.

"Oh, what the heck," she said. She held out her hand to him. "Sure, kid." Varian carefully took off his scabbard and then turned and took her hand. They settled into the standard Corona dance position, and began dancing around the fire. Varian, to his delight, was just tall enough to twirl Cassandra. "Y'know, kid," Cassandra said after a while. "You're a pretty good dancer." Varian's blush, which had faded slightly from his cheeks, flared up all the brighter. "Where'd you learn?" She asked.

"I just kind of taught myself," Varian answered truthfully, still dancing. "I... didn't have many friends back in Corona that I could learn with, even if I wanted to." Cassandra glanced down at him. He could see a little pity in her eyes, but mostly understanding. "Everyone thought I was dangerous, a wizard, crazy... you name it," he continued. Suddenly, Hook Foot came over to stand by where they were dancing, out of breath. Varian, curious, broke away from Cassandra's dance to watch Lance dance by himself. Lance's moves sped up until he ended with a big finish, and then bowed.

"Thank you, uncharted island!" He yelled. Cassandra gave a small laugh from her place next to Varian.

"I had no idea Lance was so graceful," she remarked. Her eyes darted to Varian, and he could tell that it wasn't just Lance that she was surprised at. Varian's blush deepened as he averted his eyes, scrunching up his shoulders. Although Cassandra couldn't see it, he was smiling.

"Wait for it," Eugene said, smirking. There was a crackling sound as Lance sniffed the air.

"Um," he asked. "An-anyone else smell burning?" He gave a yell (and Varian gave a snicker) as he realized his pants were on fire from bowing too close to it. "Ah, ow, ooh that's hot!" He exclaimed, trying to pat it out. Hook Foot, Eugene, Cassandra, and Varian burst out laughing.

"I'd give it a seven for effort," Shorty added from his place buried in the sand, holding a coconut shell.

"Let the celebration continue!" Alfons, the lead Lorb, exclaimed happily. Cassandra and Varian walked back over to sit on their log as the music picked back up. Varian heard a crunch of sand underfoot and looked backward to see Rapunzel walking toward them, a downcast expression on her face. Eugene stood as soon as Rapunzel sat down and extended a hand to her.

"May I have this dance, m'lady?" He asked. Rapunzel just stared at his hand for a second. "Come on, if Varian and CassAndra danced, we should to!"

"They danced?" She asked, surprised.

"Yeah, Varian asked CassAndra to dance," Eugene replied. Rapunzel gave Varian a side eye, smirking knowingly. Varian's blush flared up once more. Then Rapunzel looked up at Eugene.

"You bet," she said. Varian noticed a small note of hesitancy in her voice, but decided it was just his mind playing tricks on him. Rapunzel took Eugene's hand, and he hauled her to her feet. They danced for a minute, but then Rapunzel's face fell. Varian followed her gaze and realized she was looking at a family of Lorbs hugging each other. Rapunzel pulled away from Eugene. "I-um, I just need a moment," she reassured Eugene unconvincingly. With that, Rapunzel walked away.

"She must be feeling really bad," Varian observed. "She's never been this down-in-the-dumps, not even when-" He cut himself off, even though Eugene and Cassandra knew what he was going to say. Eugene began walking over to Rapunzel, and Varian stood and did the same. Varian saw Rapunzel pull a piece of parchment out of her pocket.

"Blondie?" Eugene asked caringly. Rapunzel quickly stuffed the parchment back in her pocket. "You alright?" Eugene continued, walking closer with Varian behind him.

"It's just," she began. "These lanterns, all the celebrating, they remind me of home." Varian nodded. He felt the same way... kind of. He missed home, but he was also afraid of going home. Of facing the people that hated him... and of facing his dad. "I was so excited to see the world," Rapunzel continued. "That I guess I never really thought about how much I would miss everyone."

"Ah, you're just a little homesick," Eugene reassured her. "By tomorrow morning, you'll be just fine. Now, let's get back to the party, shall we?" The three walked back over to the logs. Cassandra, surprisingly, sat next to Eugene, so Varian sat on the edge, close to Rapunzel. In between two songs, Varian heard Rapunzel humming a song that seemed familiar. He quickly realized that it was the healing incantation that she had tried to use on him when they had first met. Varian set his hand on the log, just barely touching Rapunzel's hair. Suddenly, with a small gasp, he put his other hand to his head, fully covering his hair stripe.

"Um, Rapunzel?" Cassandra asked.

"Hm?" Rapunzel looked up, seemingly not paying attention.

"Your hair is glowing," Cassandra replied, her voice pitching slightly higher. Varian saw the strands of her golden blonde hair light up one by one. Rapunzel put her hand to her head, pulling a piece of her hair down to look at it.

"What could be causing this?" Eugene asked.

"I was humming the healing incantation," Rapunzel offered. Varian discreetly but quickly snatched his hand away from Rapunzel's hair and let his hand covering his hair stripe fall into his lap. The glow in Rapunzel's hair faded as quickly as it had came.

"But that incantation doesn't work anymore, Raps," Cassandra pointed out. She motioned to Varian. "You tried it on him, remember?" Rapunzel put a hand to her chin in thought.

"I mean, touching the black rocks changed how my hair works... kinda?" She offered. "Maybe it unlocked the incantation?" Varian shrugged, trying to remain nonchalant.

"Or maybe it was just a trick of the light," he said. Luckily, Rapunzel didn't seem to notice the small crack in his voice.

"Yeah... maybe," she agreed, trailing off. Suddenly, she stood. "I'm going to get some rest." She began walking back towards the shelter. The next morning, it was clear that she had not gotten any rest. She sat a table, her head laying on her arms, as the rest of the gang left the shelter to start the day. Varian gave her a worried look, but walked outside with the rest of the group.

(Yes, shorter chapters, but there will be more of them, then! *chuckles* Ooh, glowy hair! I told you that there would be screwy magic in this episode! And it's not just the idol.)

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