Curses: Part 1

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(*Sings Crane Wives' "Curses"* I'm hoping my writing style has improved since I last worked on this! (AKA I hope WWF has been good practice). Just don't be surprised if the style is a little different lol. Edit: my power went out halfway through this but we got hotspot so we're good!)

(Chapter warnings: VERY mild language (I just say "raccoon crap" and no more, I think most people will know what I mean though lol), arguing with self)

"Lombard's Pass. Looks rough. But, if anyone can cross it, it's us," Rapunzel's voice rang out from her perch at the front of the caravan, spyglass up to her eye.

"Famous last words," Varian muttered, scooting - as subtly as he could - closer to Cassandra. Ruddiger leapt onto his shoulders, and Varian petted the raccoon's tail protectively. "Those swaying towers of rock at the end could be, eh, a bit of a challenge," he offered, raising his voice. Cassandra shrugged, making a small noise of agreement.

"He's got a point, Raps," she agreed. Varian gulped as a piece of rock clattered into the abyss below.

"So, the road is a little-" Rapunzel began optimistically. She thought for a moment. "-how do I put this?" Hook Foot poked his head out from the top of the caravan.

"Horrifying?" He offered, an undertone of panic in his voice.

"Stomach-churning?" Lanced added, popping out of the other door.

"About..." Varian looked down once more at the abyss. "...70% likely to kill or seriously injure us?" He cringed and leaned back against the caravan.

"Hello!" Shorty added, poking his head out the window, most likely attempting to be helpful.

"We're talking about crossing Lombard's Pass," Rapunzel said excitedly, presumably talking to Shorty. "And it's going to feel so rewarding after we do. Besides, if we want to stay on the Black Rocks' path, it's our only choice."

"Granted," Varian conceded. Rapunzel gave Varian a thankful smile.

"Now who's with me?" She asked. Varian raised an extremely timid hand, but lowered it as no one else made a move to agree. Unluckily for him, Rapunzel saw his small gesture and grabbed his wrist.

"That's the spirit!" She exclaimed, holding up Varian's arm into the air as a sign of victory, her spyglass clutched in the other hand. Varian couldn't help but smile slightly. Rapunzel just had that effect on people. Suddenly, a bump in the road bounced the caravan, and Rapunzel's spyglass tumbled from her grip.

"My telescope!" She exclaimed, reaching out for it.

Oops, Varian thought. Telescope, not spyglass. Rapunzel could do nothing except watch as one of her prized possessions tumbled through a layer of mist and out of sight. The caravan slowed to a stop, and Varian hopped down to look over the edge, despite the churning feeling in his stomach.

"That telescope was a present from my father-" Varian cringed. He did not like King Frederick, for obvious reasons. "-for this trip," Rapunzel finished. She groaned. "Alright, let's split up, so we find it faster." She turned and pointed. "Eugene, Hook Foot, Varian, you're with me." Varian gave a reluctant nod.

"We'll search as long as it takes, Princess," Hook Foot replied with an abnormal amount of enthusiasm. For him, at least. "Even if it means we never, ever cross Lombard's Pass." Ah, there was the real reason. "Ever."

"You know, look, I hate to say this, Blondie-" Eugene hopped down from the caravan to stand beside Rapunzel. "But maybe we should just move on, you know?" He turned away from Rapunzel, not seeing her take her hair down. "The telescope was a nice gift, but Lombard's Pass is gonna take us hours to-" He heard the swish of Rapunzel's hair and turned to see her descending down the cliff. "And she's already down there looking, isn't she?"

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