Peril on the High Seas: Part 4

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(So yeah, there was a freaking TORNADO WARNING when I was like 3/4 of the way through this and I had to sprint downstairs when the sirens went off. But we're all good now, it's just a thunderstorm. Anyways, enjoy!)

Varian gave a surprised cry as a rope tightened around his ankle and flung him onto the deck of the boat, and loosened enough to drop him in a heap. Max gave a whinny below as the boat plummeted while Eugene, who hadn't been as lucky as Varian, was yanked up in the air by his ankle. Eugene yelled in fear and surprise as he swung back and forth. Then, Varian gave a yelp and ducked behind a stack of crates as the same two pirates walked across the deck to where Eugene was hanging above. Varian squeezed himself behind the crates and, thankfully, he fit.

For once, being small has its advantages, he thought to himself.

"That wasn't your stomach this time," one of the pirates told the other. Varian looked up to see Eugene descending. He was waving at Max below and telling him to pull him up. Eugene sunk to just behind the pirates, who were still discussing with each other. Then, he was yanked to the side as they tried to figure out where the sound had came from. Eugene swung back and forth behind them, trying not to scream and partially succeeding. Varian cringed. This wasn't going to end well. Eugene was yanked straight up in the air as the pirates turned around, but he dropped his dagger, and it plunged, with a thunk, into a barrel near where Varian was hiding. The pirates turned.

"Was that there before?" One of the pirates asked. Varian, realizing that the pirates would soon see Eugene, quickly thought of an idea. He drew his sword from its sheath and shifted it to bow form, thankful for how smooth the mechanics were so it didn't make much noise. Then, he grabbed an arrow and, in one fluid motion, nocked it, drew it back, and fired it, hitting the ship's bell.

"Ooh, dinner!" One of the pirates exclaimed with childlike delight. "I'm starving!" As the pirates walked away, Eugene looked up at the rope around his ankle.

"Get... me... doOOOOOOOWNNNNN!" His statement began as a low growl, but it turned into a yell as the rope snapped and he plummeted back into the boat. His weight made the boat work like a seesaw, and launched Max into the air. Max landed on a board, which launched a few barrels into the air, including the one with Eugene's dagger on it. They fell into the boat as Eugene scrambled out of it, and snapped the ropes, sending it into the water. Eugene gave a victorious laugh. "Worked like a charm." Varian fought the urge to facepalm as he emerged from behind the barrels. Then, the boat sank and the barrel with Eugene's dagger in it floated away. "Sure, a priceless dagger I've had for fifteen years drifting away on a barrel to be lost in the ocean forever," Eugene said sadly, realizing their situation.

"It's alright though, because at least we're stuck on a prison barge!" Varian said sarcastically, making his way down to Eugene.


A group of pirates argued near a pile of boxes that the three of them crouched behind. Varian didn't pay much attention until he heard Lady Caine mention the mainland.

"I just don't get it, these guys have got to know that a boatload of convicts would have the law all over them as soon as they pulled into the port," Eugene whispered.

"So what are they up to?" Varian added. Max whinnied behind him.

"For the last time, no," Eugene growled at Max. "We are not going to try to lock them up." He turned back to the pirates, but Max tapped him on the shoulder. When Eugene turned, he glared at him. "Alright, smarty pants, I'll make you a deal. If you show me where it says 'an off-duty guard is obliged to quell an out-of-his jurisdiction prison break,' I'll think about it." In response, Max yanked a large book out of his back and thrust it at Eugene. "'A Compendium of Corona Law and Procedures?!?' Seriously?" Eugene asked, still in shock that even Max would be that much of a stickler. "You carry this around wherever you go?!?" Max thrust the book at Eugene and opened it to a certain page. "Okay, in plain English, 'if you see somebody do something bad, you should do something about it,' but here, here's the thing. I'm sure that they don't mean anything crazy like stopping a prison barge mutiny!" Max thrust his muzzle forward, pushing the book into Eugene's face. "Such acts include, but are not limited to: vandalism, theft, blah, blah, blah, smuggling, burglary..." Eugene looked up in shock, then looked back down to read it again. "And prison... barge... mutiny..." Max smiled triumphantly at Eugene. "Well," Eugene sighed, closing the book. Then, he stuffed it in Max's mouth. "I think that's a stupid book," he said, walking away to peer over the barrels once more. "Listen, we need to find someone who knows where this boat is headed, alright?" Eugene looked up, and then waved at Max and Varian to direct their attention. "And then we get him to talk." He was looking at a man in fancy teal clothes.

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