Peril on the High Seas: Part 2

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(Chapter warning: Reference to past nightmare.)

Varian stood with his arms planted on the railing of the ferry, eyes closed and wind blowing through his hair. He heard footsteps behind him and didn't react until he heard a voice.

"Hello?" The voice asked. Varian's eyes shot open and he whirled around, hand on the hilt of his sword. "Whoa, whoa, Goggles, it's just me!" Eugene said, hands up in front of him. Varian gave a small sigh and released his sword, turning back around to lean on the railing. Eugene came up and stood behind him. "What's got you on edge?"

"Nightmare," Varian mumbled under his breath. Suddenly, Max came up behind Eugene and nuzzled him with a whinny.

"Alright, I'll be down in a minute," Eugene promised with a laugh. "You know, Varian, there was a time where I really wanted to own an island just like that." He pointed to Tirapai island, which was growing smaller in the distance. "But now that I've lived there, I think I want a better one." Eugene leaned on the railing next to Varian. Max gave a whinny. "Okay, okay, let's go below," Eugene relented. He stood and began walking along the deck with Max, Varian right behind. Suddenly, Eugene stopped at the ferry's notice board. "Hey! This was one of my very first wanted posters!" He exclaimed. He took it off the board and continued talking. "I've been looking for one of these to put in the old scrapbook!" Varian noticed a wanted poster of him and quickly ripped it off the board.

Eugene watched as he crumpled it up and then dropped it into the water

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Eugene watched as he crumpled it up and then dropped it into the water. Max gave an indignant whinny. "Aw, still sour about not getting your hooves on old Flynn Ryder and Varian the alchemist, huh?" Eugene asked teasingly, leaning on a railing next to Varian.

I wish he wouldn't joke about that... Varian thought. Max rolled his eyes as Eugene and Varian turned towards the water and leaned on the railing. Suddenly, Max tapped Eugene on the shoulder with his hoof. When Eugene turned to look at him, he gave a whinny and pointed at a sign on the railing.

"Keep off railing?" Varian read.

"Seriously?!?" Eugene asked Max. "Your problem is, you're too rigid, you're too stuck on procedure to see the big- whoa!" Eugene was cut off as his wanted poster blew out of his hands. Eugene gave a sigh as the poster hit the water and flopped onto the railing. Then, Max began tugging on his pants. "Let go of me!" Eugene exclaimed, pulling himself forward on the railing.

"Man, you are a stickler," Varian observed. Max continued pulling, so Eugene grabbed onto the railing once more to support himself. Then, there was a crack, and the railing broke, sending Eugene toppling into the water. Varian felt Max's body slam into his and shove him overboard. He didn't even have time to scream before he plunged into the cold, dark water. He quickly squeezed his eyes shut and took in a gasp of air before he hit the water. Above him, he could hear Eugene and Max splashing to keep themselves afloat. Then, a yell from Eugene broke through the water and reached Varian's ears.

"Goggles!" Eugene yelled, searching the water around him. Varian broke the surface behind him with a gasp and a small cough.

"I'm right here, Eugene," Varian said. Eugene quickly spun in the water.

"Goggles!" Eugene exclaimed. He then paused. "Wait, I thought you couldn't swim?" Varian gave a small smile as he treaded water.

"Rapunzel taught me while we were on Tirapai Island," Varian explained. "Comes in handy when we, say, fall off a boat."

"Crap!" Eugene shouted, then turned towards the boat. "Hey, hey! A little help here?!?" He waved at the boat, but no one on board noticed him. Except for Shorty, who just began mumbling to himself. The boat kept moving, and Varian became panicked.

"No, no, no, stop! We're down here, in the water!" He yelled. The boat continued sailing and then faded into the fog. Varian struggled to stay afloat as the gravity of the situation hit him.

"Great, just great!" Eugene grumbled, clinging on to Max, who was floating on his back. Max gave a salty whinny and looked away from Eugene. "Oh, so this is my fault, huh?!?" Eugene exclaimed indignantly.

"Ey, let's not fight, okay? We need to find a way to get back on that boat," Varian said. Eugene and Max ignored him and continued arguing.

"Why couldn't you just let me lean on the railing?" Eugene asked Max, irritated. Max turned his head towards Eugene with an indignant whinny. "Heaven forbid someone break a rule, oh but don't worry, we're out in the middle of nowhere." Varian finally had had enough and, with a sweep of his arm, splashed Eugene and Max. Eugene spluttered and turned to Varian. "What was that for?!?" Varian gave him an annoyed look.

"Arguing isn't going to get us back on the ferry!" he exclaimed.

"The ferry is gone! I'm sure a ship will just come by and rescue us any second now," Eugene said sarcastically to Varian, whose mouth was now slightly open. "There's a ship right behind me, isn't there?" Eugene asked, unamused. Varian nodded. "Okay, I'd like to take credit for being right, but that was pure sarcasm just now," Eugene told Varian. He began swimming for the boat, clinging on to Max. Varian followed right behind them. Eugene snagged a rope trailing off the boat, and quickly climbed it. Varian drew his sword and scaled the side of the boat by sticking it in the wood and then hauling himself up. "There," Eugene said as he shoved Max over the side of the boat. "Made it." He looked astonished when he saw Varian. "Goggles! How did you beat us up here?"

"I have my ways," Varian replied vaguely. He looked around.

"Not the nicest of accommodations, but a boat's a boat, right?" Eugene said. Varian nodded. Then, he froze as he looked into a grate in the floor. "And this boat just happens to have dozens of jail cells." Varian's body tensed up as a wave of panic washed over him, but he quickly squashed it down. "Terrific," Eugene said. "Max, Varian, we've hitched a ride on a prison barge."

(Varian has picked up some traits from Rapunzel and therefore does not want people to fight. 😊 Ciao for now!)

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