Happiness Is: Part 7

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(Chapter warnings: Threatening with a sword, implied panic attack, evil statue hallucinations.)

"Varian!" A voice called from in front of him. His hand holding the rock froze right above the statue. He looked up.

"D-Dad?" He asked, voice shaking. His father stood before him, out of the amber, not a scratch on him.

"Varian, hurry!" Rapunzel yelled from behind Varian. He shook his head vigorously and raised the rock once more.

"Please, Varian, don't do this!" His "dad" pleaded, hands clasped together. "If you destroy the statue, you might never see me again!" Small tears leaked from Varian's eyes and blew around in the wind as he raised the rock higher.

"I'm sorry, I have to," Varian replied quietly. He raised the rock higher, squeezing his eyes shut. He was about to bring it down once more when he felt the cold metal of a blade press against his neck. He gave a gasp and his eyes shot open. His father, a fearsome expression on his face, was now holding a blade to him. "Dad!" he gasped.

"I can't let you destroy the statue, Varian," his dad growled. "If you do, you will never make me proud." With a small whoosh, King Frederick materialized behind the altar.

"If you leave the statue alone, maybe I won't throw you back in prison the second you return to Corona," the king bargained. Varian's breathing quickened.

"No, I-" he wheezed. He raised the rock higher, though his arm was shaking greatly. "I have to..." All the air left his body as another figure materialized next to King Frederick.

"Princess," Varian breathed.

"I was so close to finally forgiving you," "Rapunzel" snarled. "But now you're trying to destroy the only thing that can make me happy. You're nothing but a villain. You never will be more than just a villain."

"Cass! No!" Rapunzel's voice suddenly rang out from behind him. The red haze around him flickered for a moment, and his dad morphed into Cassandra.

"Cassie..." he gasped. Cassandra was holding a sword to his neck! Then, the haze strengthened once more, and Cassandra morphed back into his dad, and then disappeared. He turned back toward "Rapunzel", who was slowly advancing towards him.

"You'll never be more than just a villain," she repeated, reaching for the statue. "Why did I ever consider forgiving you?" She grabbed hold of it and began trying to yank it out of Varian's hands.

"Rapunzel..." he wheezed. Suddenly, the red haze distorted right next to him, and the real Rapunzel appeared.

"I'm right here, Varian!" she told him reassuringly, yelling to be heard over the wind.

"We're here to help!" Cassandra added, the haze distorting on the other side of him to reveal her. Varian turned back to the altar, then grit his teeth. With a strong tug, he yanked the statue away from the fake Rapunzel. Then he placed it back on the altar and picked up a rock once more.

"You're not Rapunzel!" He yelled at the illusion. "You are just an illusion!" He could feel Rapunzel and Cassandra on each side of him, pressing against him for comfort. "The people I love are what make me happy, and I won't let you hurt them anymore! He shook his head, his hair blowing madly in the wind.

"Varian," his dad threatened, materializing once more, next to King Frederick. "If you destroy the idol, you will never be happy again!" Varian grit his teeth and held the rock tighter.

"Happiness doesn't come from a thing!" Varian yelled, lifting the rock above his head. "It comes from inside. My. Heart!" Varian brought the rock down with all his might, smashing the statue to pieces. A strike of lightning flashed and a whirlwind of blue light appeared above the idol, in the clouds of the storm.

"Varian!" His dad yelled angrily as the light sucked him, King Frederick, and the fake Rapunzel into the sky. With a bright flash, they disappeared with the clouds. Varian turned his head to see that all of the Lorbs had calmed down, and their eyes had faded to their regular colors.

"You did it!" Rapunzel exclaimed. When Varian didn't respond, she turned to him. He was shaking. "Varian?" Suddenly, Varian fell from his knees to his side and fainted. Whether is was from stress or exhaustion, he didn't know. When he awoke a few minutes later, Rapunzel leaned over him, concerned. "Are you okay?" She asked, concerned. He nodded, accepting her hand to help him stand up.

"Just a little tired... and stressed," he replied. He looked closer at her, and saw that her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. "How are you feeling?" He asked. Rapunzel gave a sigh.

"Homesick," she admitted. "But I think I have a way to deal with it." She smiled at him.


Later, on the beach, Varian and Rapunzel each sat with a lantern on their lap. Rapunzel turned to Varian.

"I'm still sad to be so far away from home, and there's nothing wrong with that," she told him. She released her lantern into the air as she continued talking. "I can be independent, and see the world, and still miss home." She and Varian turned to watch the lantern float up into the sky. "But that's just part of life," she continued. Varian smiled at her and gently released his lantern into the air, which had a Corona sun embroidered on it.

"Nobody can be happy all the time," Varian agreed. "And if you're sad, it's a reminder that you love your family."

"And when I miss them the most, I have my friends to lean on," she finished. She turned her gaze back to the sky.

Until I see you again, you are always in my heart, Varian thought, wishing that somehow, some way, his message would reach his dad over the distance and through the amber. He turned his head to look at Rapunzel, who was gazing up at the night sky. I miss you so much, and I wish I could see you again. And I believe that I will someday. But until then, I have my friends to help me through it.

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