The Keeper of the Spire: Part 2

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(Yes, this fanfic will be in Varian's perspective most or all of the time. It's not in first person, but we get to hear Varian's thoughts.)
(Chapter warning: Fighting of wolves with... uh- pointy metal objects, hurt wolves (no description of injuries), reference to past crimes and attempted unaliving)

The gang walked in silence for a while, away from the Spire, Varian staying a little way back from the group. It was obvious that everyone was uncomfortable, except for maybe Lance. Rapunzel was twirling a strand of her hair, Varian was chewing his lip, Eugene's eyes were darting everywhere, and Cassandra was staring at her gloves with suspicious intensity. Finally, they came to a fork in the road. One road led to where Hook Foot, Shorty, and the animals had stayed with the caravan, and the other led along the other side of the mountain. Rapunzel, Lance, Eugene, and Cassandra began walking down the road with the caravan, and Varian followed. Cassandra spotted him out of the corner of her eye and whirled to face him.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" She asked the alchemist angrily. He took a small involuntary step backward. Everyone else in the party had stopped and turned to face Varian and Cassandra.

I mean, there's no reason to lie, he thought. Plus, even if they tell me to get lost, I need to get him from their caravan.

"Um," Varian replied. "Following you?"

"Why exactly?" Cassandra questioned. "To sabotage us? Actually, you haven't told us anything about why you're here or how you got here. I, for one, don't trust you without getting some answers." She moved closer to Varian to look him directly in the eyes. "Actually, I don't trust you with answers."

"I need to get something from your caravan," he said, leaving out his hopes that maybe, just maybe, they would take him with them.

"What do you mean?" Rapunzel asked, stepping forward.

"He probably means stealing food," Cassandra grumbled.

"I left something at your caravan before I climbed up to the Spire," Varian explained. "It wasn't something I really wanted to bring all the way up a mountain." He muttered his next words under his breath. "Hopefully he hasn't caused their friend too much trouble."

"Oh, in that case, just waltz right in," Cassandra said, voice laced with sarcasm.

What if they don't let me take him? Varian internally panicked. I can't just leave him! I would have to steal him back... but I swore I wouldn't commit a crime again if I could help it! Despite the myriad of thoughts rushing through his head, Varian kept his expression neutral.

"Cassandra," Rapunzel said, a warning in her voice. She turned to Varian. "It's completely fine if you need to get your things from our caravan."

"Well, it's not exactly a thing, but thank you, Princess," Varian replied respectfully. Rapunzel gave him a look that was almost... grateful? Then, she continued forward. The rest of the party quickly followed suit, Varian staying a respectful distance back. The path down to the caravan was very long and winding, so eventually, small conversations started. Rapunzel began chatting animatedly with Eugene, while Lance tried to talk to Cassandra. Cassandra said a few words before walking to the front of the group. Varian had been walking silently, looking down at the ground, ever since his conversation with Cassandra. No one else had even tried to talk to him since, so he was surprised to see Lance slowing down to match pace with him.

"I don't believe we ever officially met," Lance said, extending a hand to Varian next to him. "I'm Lance." Varian politely shook it.

"Varian," he replied, knowing that this man probably already knew his name. Lance looked him up and down.

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