Bloopers: Part 1

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(Hello loyal readers! I'm writing a few bloopers here to kick back up my motivation. Basically what these bloopers are:
This works like if the characters were just actors in this series.
These are not canon, this is just for fun.
These will be spread sporadically throughout SoaA whenever I need a motivation boost or I don't have my regular setup.
Inspired by the bloopers in @MeganIdek 's A Chance at Life fic!
Without further ado, enjoy my Tangled brainrot! 😊)

(P.S. The headcanon is that the actor playing Trevor is actually a really nice guy. Again, just for this not-canon skit hehe)

(Chapter warning: Bleeped swears, really stupid jokes)

The Brothers Shook
Hook Foot: *twirls* Your majesty. *slips and falls flat on his face*
Eugene: *snickers* Cha cha real smooth.
Varian: *sounds of piano keys slamming as his head falls, muffled laughter*

Varian: *is playing piano, accidentally flubs a chord* *freezes and looks over at Trevor*
Trevor: *clears throat* I do believe that's my cue to screech, very well- *inhales and then goes into a coughing fit*
Rapunzel: *sprints over with a bottle of water*
Varian: *plays the "Ready As I'll Ever Be" melody*
Trevor: *still coughing* Amazing, my boy.

Curses (for real this time)
Madam Canardist: It's, erm... Latin.
Varian: *with a cough under his breath* Bull****.
Madam Canardist: *wheezing*
Rapunzel and Eugene: Varian!
Varian: *shrugging innocently* What? I learned a lot worse words while in prison.
Quirin, off screen: Son, language.
Varian: You can't talk, you're dead!

The Eye of Accosted
Stalyan: Mind if we cut ig- slfnfnskngnsks- WORDS.

Stalyan: Mind if we- *eyes unfocus* Um- fuh- LINE!

Stalyan: Mind if-
Varian, popping up beside her: Mind if we cut in?
Stalyan: Hey! That's my line!
Varian, smirking: Not anymore.

Rapunzel and the Questionable Decision of the Century
(Teeny-tiny spoilers)
Varian: Demanitus, these contacts are KILLING me.
Rapunzel: At least you only have to wear them once this episode.
Varian: Actually, I have two different pairs, so-
Eugene: I'm just gotta say, you are both slaying the whole "creepy soulless eyes" look. *finger guns*
Hector: Why thank you.

Varian: DUCK!!! *yeets a vial mach-ten over Rapunzel's head, at Hector, which explodes into sparkles all over the man*
Hector: *wiping glitter off of his face* Grrrrr...
Varian: Oops, wrong one. Sorry, Uncle Hector.

(This was a little short, but it did its job and kicked up my motivation! Expect to see Curses: Part 3 soon!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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