Happiness Is: Part 6

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(A tiny bit of Rapunzel and Varian's dialogue is taken from the Super Mario Movie. See if you can spot it!)

(Chapter warning: Intense headaches, mild combat without swords)

The Lorbs rushed at Rapunzel, Varian, Ruddiger, and Pascal and quickly bound them with ropes. Then, they shoved them into an empty cabin and slammed the door shut. Attempting to ignore the intense fear that threatened to wash over him, Varian turned to Rapunzel.

"The statue. What did it make you see?" He asked, voice shaking slightly. Rapunzel gave a sigh.

"It... um- it was nothing," she replied, obviously lying. Varian hung his head and looked at Rapunzel out of the corner of his eye.

 Varian hung his head and looked at Rapunzel out of the corner of his eye

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"You don't have to lie. I know you saw me doing something terrible," Varian said with a sigh. He gave Rapunzel a sad smirk. "I mean, I knew no one could ever fully forgive me for everything I did."

"No, Varian, that's not it, I-" Rapunzel stuttered. She then paused. "Look... if you really want to know... well, I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to hurt your feelings, but... the statue showed me you trying to do experiments on my dad." She looked at Varian, who gave a grim nod.

"Figured it was something like that," he said emotionlessly, not meeting Rapunzel's eyes.

"Varian, I'm so sorry," Rapunzel apologized.

"Don't be," Varian replied. "That statue showed you your worst nightmare, and I-" He gave a humorless laugh. "- I was definitely a nightmare." Rapunzel shook her head profusely.

"No, I don't think that you experimenting on my dad was the nightmare," she explained. "I think the nightmare was you turning evil again. Because I don't want to lose you again." Varian's head snapped up and he turned to her with an expression of disbelief. Then his face fell.

"You're just trying to make me feel better," he murmured.

"No, no I'm not!" Rapunzel protested. "Is it working?" She asked after a pause. Varian didn't do anything for a moment. Then, he looked up and gave her a small smile.

"A little bit," he replied. Pascal gave a little growl at Rapunzel and she looked at him. The little chameleon had an intense glare on his face, rivaling one of Cassandra's specials.

"Pascal, stop looking at me like that," Rapunzel said indignantly. The little chameleon's glare only intensified. Finally, Rapunzel cracked. "Okay fine, I know, I know! I blew the chance to get rid of the idol of Versha-vorken-vein- the idol, and now I'm still homesick, lost the idol, deceived all of my friends, and endangered the island! See, I admitted it, are you happy?" There was the sound of Lorb screaming from outside the cabin, and Varian looked outside to see a pack of Lorbs running around with the statue.

"Yeesh," he cringed. He turned to Rapunzel, who looked miserable. "Oh don't worry, you guys weren't that bad when you were fighting over the idol." Suddenly, there was a noise from the entrance of the cabin. Varian whipped his head around to see Eugene and Cassandra.

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