Happiness Is: Part 3

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Varian picked up his hair streak and stared at it while leaning against a tree. Yup, still glowing green.

Okay, it started glowing when I touched the totem... He thought. And there's definitely some funky magic going on. But why didn't it affect me like it did everyone else? Sure, maybe the magic redirected to my hair stripe, but how? I don't have magic! He glanced toward the shelter, where he could hear Rapunzel talking to the visions the totem created. Suddenly, Rapunzel's voice became a bit clearer.

"It was like they were holding on to that statue forever and I would've done anything to get it back," she told the visions. "And it didn't even work on Varian! He probably would've kept it just to run tests on it! I know I shouldn't have taken it, but I could never be happy again if I didn't!" Varian shook his head. He was very glad the totem didn't work the same on him, even though it gave him glowing hair. The totem seemed to make everyone who touched it believe they couldn't be happy without it.

"I will do anything to get that statue back," Cassandra told Max the horse.

Point proven, Varian thought with a note of satisfaction. Cassandra drew in the sand with a stick. Varian stood and walked over, curious.

"You create a diversion, I'll sneak around the side of the hut," Cassandra continued.

"What are you doing?" Varian asked her, knowing exactly what she was doing. She gave a small jump and turned around.

"Figuring out a way to get the statue back," she replied simply, turning back to her diagram.

"But... why?" He questioned. She gave a sigh and turned back to him.

"You can't possibly understand this because the statue didn't work on you, but the statue gives you pure happiness. And right now, Rapunzel is hogging it all to herself." She turned back to her diagram once more. "Okay, Max, you create the diversion." Varian shook his head and walked over to sit on a nearby rock.

I need to figure out a way to get rid of that statue, he thought. It's dangerous, and I have a feeling that it'll only get worse. Then, Max the horse gave a whinny of indignation. Cassandra looked up at him, frustrated.

"What do you mean, I should be the diversion?!?" She asked him. He gave another whinny. "What?!?" Cassandra exclaimed. "Me in a tutu is more distracting than you in a tutu?" She gave a laugh. "I beg to differ, horse!"

"I beg to differ from your differing!" Varian called out teasingly.

"No one asked you!" Cassandra called back. She gave a huff and turned back towards Max, but was that a whisper of a blush that Varian saw on her cheeks? On the other side of Varian, Eugene was picking flowers.

"I got it," he said to himself. "I'll ask her on a date and sweet talk her into giving me the statue. And if that doesn't work-" He walked slightly closer to Varian, still talking to himself. "-I'll go full smolder." Varian stood and walked up behind Eugene.

"You do realize that the Smolder has no effect on Rapunzel?" Varian told Eugene. Eugene turned around. "Actually, none of your 'looks' do anything. Except for the Simmer that you taught Hook Foot. That still haunts my nightmares." Varian gave a small shudder. Eugene ignored him and turned away, still talking to himself.

"The Blaze," he whispered, and then formed his features into the most flirtatious look that Varian had ever seen. A crab on the log in front of him fainted and fell backwards. Varian facepalmed. If Cassandra and Eugene wouldn't listen to reason while under the effects of the statue, who would? Then, Eugene quickly broke his Smolder. "Then I swipe it while she's locked in the magic!" He gave an evil laugh that rivaled Varian's. Varian scowled. Now he knew that this magic totem was influencing the others. No one had a better evil laugh than him. Y'know, for obvious reasons. "This is diabolical, really!" Eugene continued, walking away. Varian turned around as he heard mumbling from the bushes behind him. He parted them to reveal Lance, who had been writing Eugene's plan on his hand.

"Smolder, swipe, lost in magic," he recited to himself. "Ha, ha, ha," He continued, actually writing the words on his hand as Eugene continued laughing. Varian cringed.

Well, that'll end fine, he though, releasing the leaves to cover Lance once more. He heard Lance give a small evil laugh, and then a gasp as the ink smeared when he rubbed his hands together. Varian heard sound coming up from the roof, and raced over to see Hook Foot sitting on the uppermost point. He watched as Hook Foot lowered a fishing pole's line into the opening that led to Rapunzel's room, the hook being his hook. This is getting out of hand, Varian realized. I need to get that totem and destroy it. He followed Eugene as he walked up to the door, intending to swipe the totem and figure out a way to get rid of it. Maybe the Lorbs know how? This is their island, after all. I'll have to ask them. Eugene knocked on the door.

"Blondie?" He asked. "Hello?" Varian heard the sound of footsteps coming from inside. "Can you come out?" Eugene added, giving an evil laugh that was much less impressive than before. He hid the flowers behind his back. Suddenly, Varian felt something soft and heavy hit his head, and looked up to see Rapunzel leaning over the overhead balcony, her golden braid hanging to the ground. She didn't seem to notice him, and instead looked at Eugene with panic. She turned her head both ways (as did Varian) to see Cassandra and Max approaching from one side and Lance approaching from the other. Rapunzel rushed back inside and there was a crashing sound as she presumably picked up the totem. Varian could hear her having a muffled conversation, probably with Pascal.

"You just want me to come out so you can have the idol!" She yelled through the door after a moment. "Ha ha! I'm on to you!"

Yikes, Varian thought. I need to get that totem. Soon. If it can make the Sunshine Princess selfish and cocky after only having it for a little while, imagine what it'll do to anyone else who uses it!

"What?!?" Eugene asked in fake indignation. "No! Are you crazy? That is not true." He gave a laugh. "We-" He motioned to the rest of the group, who were now standing underneath the balcony. "- collectively miss you! Right guys?" Lance, Max, and Cassandra shared a look and then turned back to the door, nodding in sync. "You see?" He asked, turning back to the door. "And yes, if you were to come out, it would be a fantastic opportunity to pass the ol' magical statue around and experience the ultimate happiness that we all long for deep in our hearts-" Eugene switched tones. "-But I don't think anybody out here even thought of that, did we?" The three on the ground and Varian all shook their heads.

I just need to play along until I can get the statue and get rid of it, Varian reassured himself. Eugene turned to Varian as if seeing him for the first time.

"Goggles!" He exclaimed. "Didn't the statue not show you anything? Why are you up here?" Varian crossed his arms, not answering. He couldn't trust any of the others while they were under the influence of the totem. Eugene shrugged and turned back to the door.

"Okay," Rapunzel relented through the door. "I will come out. But, only for a second!" There was a creak as the door opened and Rapunzel peeked out. Eugene quickly rushed forward and shoved the door all the way open, and then dragged Rapunzel out.

"There's my girl," he said, pushing her forward and away from the door. Varian eyed the still open door as they walked away.

Perfect, he thought. With a quick glance back, he darted through the doorway. Just find the totem and get out, he told himself. And try not to get noticed. They'll all try to stop you from destroying it.

(So, Varian is also trying to get the totem, but he's doing it so he can destroy it and bring everyone back to normal. Ciao for now! P.S. There's a drawing of glowy-hair Varian coming up in one of the next chapters.)

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