Peril on the High Seas: Part 5

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(I just want to say that I do not ship Varian and Eugene even the slightest bit. They have a brotherly relationship, and that's why Eugene is protecting him.)

(Chapter warnings: mild cut and blood, tossing of someone onto a blunt piece of metal, slight threatening, arguing with self.)

Then, a second later, Varian's voice cut through the silence.

"I'm here," he told Eugene, then let out a quiet hiss of pain. He stepped forward into the light, right hand gripping his left arm, just below his shoulder. Eugene immediately rushed forward, reaching his hand out slightly.

"What happened?!?" He asked, an undertone of panic in his voice.

"Max's hoof... cut my shoulder," Varian replied. "I'm fine." Eugene turned to glare at Max, then gazed back at Varian.

"Are you sure you're okay, Goggles? We should get you a bandage, or-" Eugene began.

"I said I'm fine, Eugene! Worse has happened!" Varian snapped suddenly. Then, he averted his eyes and turned away from Eugene with a huff. "Let's just get to the bridge, stop this mutiny, and get back to the others." He muttered under his breath, gritting his teeth. "If you had told me about the plan, I wouldn't have gotten hurt." Eugene seemed like he was about to protest, then thought better of it.

"Yeah, let's get to that bridge, and stop this boat from attacking the ferry," Eugene agreed.


Eugene crept around a dark hallway corner, Max and Varian right behind him, Varian still pressing his fingers to his shoulder lightly.

"You see what happens when you bend the rules a little bit?" Eugene gloated to Max. "You won't find that 'good guard, bad guard' technique in any textbook." Max neighed indignantly, then shoved the textbook in Eugene's face. He pointed to a drawing of almost exactly what they had just done.

"'Good guard, bad guard' interrogation techni- wha?" Eugene read incredulously.

"Whoop de doo," Varian said sarcastically. "Can we focus on getting to the bridge?" Suddenly, a lantern light shone through the grate above the three of them. Immediately, they pressed themselves against the wall, Varian letting out a small gasp as his shoulder hit it, but then quickly covering it up.

"I have some news for you," Dale, back with his old accent, told to someone above. "The Flynn Rider and his cavalo, they are on the boat! And, that alchemist who tried to take over Corona is with them!"

"Ugh, lose the accent," came Lady Caine's voice. "Dale."

"Okay, Flynn Rider, the horse, and the alchemist are on the ship," Dale said simply without an accent.

"What?!?" Lady Caine exclaimed. "Fitzherbert and Maximus?!? Ughhhhh... There's no escaping those two." Then, there was a pause. "Wait, who did you say was with them?" Varian sucked in a loud breath, then quickly covered his mouth with his gloved hand.

"The alchemist who tried to take over Corona," Dale replied. "Varian." Varian couldn't see her, but he was sure that an evil smile crossed Lady Caine's face.

"The alchemist, eh?" She asked rhetorically. "Well, that could work in our favor... Find them, now!" She ordered this as the lantern light moved away. Varian breathed a sigh of relief as her footsteps faded and the three of them relaxed from the wall. Max neighed and glared at Eugene.

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