King Pascal: Part 4

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(Chapter warnings: Mild panic attack, attempts at unaliving by burning (by a bug), arguing with self)

Rapunzel watched as Pascal was carried away by the Lorbs, Varian behind her. He looked at her, and could see pain all over her face.

"Are... you okay?" He asked. Rapunzel gave a little jump and turned around. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, that was a dumb question..." Rapunzel shook her head.

"Let's just go back to the beach," she said sadly. Cassandra walked up next to them.

"It's not like there's anywhere else we can go," she agreed. As they were walking along the path, Rapunzel spoke up again.

"I can't believe I couldn't see it before," Rapunzel explained. "We were making him feel left out." Behind her, Varian nodded. "I was making him feel left out. I was treating him like he was this big." She held up her thumb and pointer finger close together.

"In your defense, he is that big," Cassandra said bluntly.

"Not to me," Rapunzel protested. She gave a heavy sigh and stopped walking. "I have to go apologize." Suddenly, a loud buzzing noise sounded from the trees behind Varian. He whirled around.

"Uh, guys, I think that's the firefly!" he yelled, pointing forward. A giant bug, the size of Varian, flew over their heads.

"No way," Cassandra gaped.

"We have to warn Pascal!" Rapunzel announced. Suddenly, a ladder fell down from a nearby tree and the war cries of the Lorbs could be heard. The three looked up to see five Lorbs holding a net in the trees above.

"You will warn him of nothing!" The one in the middle yelled. They jumped down and spread the net over them, forcing Max, Cassandra, Varian, and Rapunzel to the ground. Varian tried to stand, but couldn't move.

No, not now, not here, he thought, panicked. His breaths shortened to small wheezing gasps and he squeezed his eyes shut. You're not in prison anymore, you're not in prison, he told himself, but his heart still beat erratically in his chest. Suddenly, he felt the net lift off of him.

"Is this a joke?" Cassandra said to the Lorbs, unamused. Varian slowly opened his eyes. Cassandra had easily lifted the net off of them and thrown it to the side. Rapunzel stood as well, and then turned around and noticed Varian on the ground. She quickly knelt down next to him.

"Are you okay?" She asked him. He nodded and forced himself to his feet.

"I'm fine," he lied. He could tell that Rapunzel didn't fully believe him, but they had bigger problems to worry about at the moment. Rapunzel turned to the Lorbs.

"You really think this cute little net is gonna restrain us and a twelve-hundred pound horse?" She asked angrily. Cassandra glanced at Varian, and he could tell she was wondering what had happened to him, but he ignored her. "Come on!" Rapunzel yelled, starting forward. "We have to save Pascal before he gets hurt by the firefly!" The three of them and Max sprinted down the path, Ruddiger clinging on to Varian for dear life. After a few minutes, they were stopped by running into Pascal... literally. The small chameleon bounced off Rapunzel's leg. Varian noticed that he was wearing some sort of coconut armor with a cape made out of weeds. "Pascal!" Rapunzel exclaimed. "Oh, I'm so glad to see you, I'm sorry if I made you feel small and unneeded." The small chameleon smiled at her. Rapunzel picked him up and gave him a small kiss. Then, she took off his coconut armor.

"Uh, guys, flying monster, remember?!?" Varian yelled as the firefly swooped toward them. The firefly inhaled, about to release a stream of fire directly at Cassandra. Varian dashed towards her and shoved her out of the way with his shoulder just before the flames hit. They both landed in a heap on the ground. Varian's cheeks immediately reddened, and he quickly rolled off of Cassandra. "I- uh... um..." he started, but she interrupted.

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