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lying, cheating, gaslighting bastard.
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               The Thornton's and the Cameron's only lived down the street from one another

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               The Thornton's and the Cameron's only lived down the street from one another. It was one of the reasons their families were so close. The children had been raised together, having weekly barbecues, playing together by the beach and hiding out in the Treehouse in the Thornton's backyard that adjoined to the surrounding woods. They were practically one big family and their history went back to when Dallas Thornton and Ward Cameron were children. Despite Ward being born on the Cut, he had been good friends with Dallas and their friendship had remained over the years—if anything, it only grew stronger when Ward made something out of himself.

                  The two families were in the backyard of the Cameron's estate, spread throughout the grounds. Kennedy was sitting on a lawn chair, her sunglasses on her face and pink bikini on her body. Sarah Cameron, her best friend was beside her, wearing a similar bikini only in yellow. They were soaking up the sun whilst Ward and Dallas cooked by the grill, flipping sausages and hamburgers, taking business. Caroline and Rose were on the other side of the pool, stretched over lawn chairs and sipping dry martini's. Caroline held a Jane Austen book between her fingers, the same straw hat as earlier that morning on her head, only in white. Topper and Rafe Cameron were tossing a ball back and forth on the grass whilst talking about their summer.

                   A sigh of content left Kennedy's lips. Despite not wanting to be home so soon, she felt comfortable at the Cameron's household. She had practically been raised on the grounds, running wild with Sarah and playing hide and seek in the large mansion house when they were kids. Her sixteenth birthday party had even been held at the Cameron's, since her father had been out of state on business. Caroline, Ward and Rose had thrown the twins an extravagant party with all their friends and the entire neighbourhood. Kennedy had spent that night with her head down Sarah's toilet vomiting after drinking too much of Ward's whiskey they had stolen. That had gotten her grounded for a week—along with Topper who got roped into his sisters bullshit even though he had been sober.

                    "I know you're not exactly happy about it, but I'm so glad you're back home," Sarah began saying from beside her, scrolling endlessly through her phone, wearing a pair of white sunglasses, "The OBX isn't the same with it you. The last two weeks have been so boring." She said, tilting her head to look at her best friend.

                     Kennedy put her hand over her heart, "That's cause I'm the best," She gloated, making Sarah let out a chuckle, returning back to her phone, "But a part of me is glad I'm back too. I missed you way too much—you have to come with us next time, the girls from the country club are so fucking boring." She complained, rolling her eyes into the back of her head.

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