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To going full Kook.
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                John B had took some head space from the Pogues and their new Kook edition, clearing his mind in his fathers office

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                John B had took some head space from the Pogues and their new Kook edition, clearing his mind in his fathers office. When he returned, he was in a far better mood, now being determined to finish what his father has started. And now, no longer thinking John B was delusional, everyone was more than willing to finish what Big John had started—even Kennedy. The idea excited her beyond belief. It would be the greatest honour to discover a lost treasure. It was exactly the kind of fun she was looking for.

      They had built a fire out back and sat down around the logs. Kennedy had opened a pack of marshmallows she had found in the kitchen. She had stuck a marshmallow on the end of a stick, hovering it over the fire, watching as it caught fire, "Want one?" She offered, holding it up for anyone to take.

            Pope held up his hand and Kennedy held out the stick. Pope took the marshmallow off the edge and then leaned back, chewing on the gooey goodness. Kennedy began burning another one, "How much was it again? That sank with the Merchant?" Kennedy asked, staring into the flames of the fire. She remembered learning all about the Royal Merchant in middle school but yet, it had slipped her mind just how much had sank with the ship. The Merchant was something people often forgot about.

            "Five hundred mil." John B reminded her and she whistled through her teeth. That was a lot of money, even to someone that grew up on Figure Eight. And she knew how much money that would be to people who grew up on the Cut. It would be life changing to the Pogues. But for her, it would mean freedom.

                JJ let out a dramatic sigh, "Alright, let's talk the split," He said, getting straight to the point, "Now, before we say 'evenly' may I remind you that I am the only one that can properly protect us from those groupers that were after us. Protection? No cheap, okay?" He began bargaining.

               Kennedy rose an eyebrow, "Where was your protection when we had to hide in a chickens coop because you left your gun lying around?" She challenged, her voice filled with amusement and a mischievous sparkle to her eyes.

       "Hey, that was one time!" JJ defended.

       "And you haven't trained. You have zero training." Pope pointed out, looking at him blankly.

       "YouTube, bro!" JJ exclaimed. Kennedy snorted, "That's at least a five percent bump right there. Any objections?" He looked around.

              Kiara pulled a face and rose her hand. Kennedy looked at him, "I definitely object—"

       "Didn't think so." JJ chirped, completely ignoring the girls.

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