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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───
I don't know why I am the way I am!
─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

              Kennedy had fallen asleep with her half-full beer in her hand

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Kennedy had fallen asleep with her half-full beer in her hand. When the sun rose, making her stir, she blinked her eyes awake and let out a small yawn. Despite sleeping outside, she was warm with the sun shining down on her and a blanket thrown over her lap. But she could feel body heat coming from beside her and glanced to her side. Her lips parted.

               JJ was sound asleep beside her, his head tilted back and mouth wide open. His hair was on his forehead and his chest rose up and down with each breath he took. Kennedy's legs were draped over his and his hand was clutching her lower-thigh, tracing small circles in his sleep. Kennedy didn't know if she should wake him or go back to sleep.

           She looked around, hoping someone else was awake but no one was. Pope was laying with his face amongst the pillows and his arm hanging over the edge of the couch. John B was laying upside down with his legs flung over the back of the couch. Kiara was curled up in a ball beside him.

          "You looking for an escape route?" JJ's came JJ's sleepy voice making Kennedy jump slightly.

             "Shit," She hissed, her heart racing. She laughed at her own expense, closing her eyes, "I thought you were sleeping." She said, turning to look at him which was the worst thing she could've done because god damn, he looked fucking amazing in the morning with his messy bed-hair and sleepy gaze.

               JJ smiled lazily at her, "It's hard to sleep when you snore like a pig." He told her casually.

                Her mouth fell open as she slapped his chest, "I do not snore!" She exclaimed in a hushed whisper as not to wake the others. The sun was barely rising, meaning it had to be super early in the day.

               JJ nodded frantically, "You do, you were all like," He threw his head back and opened his mouth wide and started to make snoring noises. Kennedy hit him with a pillow but she was giggling, "Ow!" He exclaimed, nudging her back to which she pushed him, "Oh, you wanna play this game, huh?" Within a second, he had jumped up and pounced on her, making her let out a squeal. Kiara stirred in her sleep.

                  JJ pushed her into the cushions of the couch, pinning her arms above her head by the wrists. She was laughing and squirming from under him. JJ found he enjoyed the sound of her laugh in the morning, "You wanna tap out?" He teased, lowering his face to hers, the tips of his hair brushing against her forehead.

              "Never!" She dramatically cried, shaking her head as she fought underneath him.

              JJ smiled down at her and she stopped her thrashing. The pair just looked at each other for a long moment. His fingers were curled around her wrist gently and his tendrils of hair tickled against her forehead. She could see how long his lashes were. And JJ could feel the shape of her hips from under him and see the rise of her chest with each breath she took.

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