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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
She's a snake and a Kook bitch!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

               Kennedy spent the rest of her afternoon with her mother, helping her pick out new colours for the pool tiles

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               Kennedy spent the rest of her afternoon with her mother, helping her pick out new colours for the pool tiles. It was incredibly boring, but with no internet, she didn't have anything better to do. And so, they had sad with a catalogue, looking at pictures of tiles that all looked the same to Kennedy. Why did they even need new tiles, anyway? The ones they had were fine. And besides, no one gave a shit about the colour of the tiles when they were in the pool. It seemed stupid to her, but reupholstering the house had become Caroline's latest gig. Kennedy thought being a housewife must have been super boring to start caring about pool tiles.

The night only really began when Topper came home, slightly buzzed from his day drinking with Rafe in tow. They both knew about the Boneyard party and like Kennedy previously thought, had plans on going. Which was why Kennedy had done her hair and makeup before they even arrived—and picked out a more part appropriate outfit.

The three had left the Thornton estate, picking up Sarah on the way. Kennedy had been shoved in the backseat, much to her disapproval since her brother allowed Rafe to take the passenger seat. But that meant she got to speak to Sarah before her brother could start shoving his tongue down her throat. Sarah had been concerned about her at first after coming across Scooter's body, but it didn't take long for her to realise that she actually was alright. If anything, she spoke about the Pogues more, insisting that they knew something.

      By the time they had arrived at the party, the sun had gone down and the sky had turned black, allowing the stars to shine over the OBX. And with that, brought a soft breeze that swayed the ocean and cooled the air after the hurricane, making it more bearable to be outside.

               Walking into the party, it was in full swing. Teenagers from both sides of the island along with Tourons were up dancing and drinking in the secluded area of the beach—the Boneyard as everyone called it because of the scattered logs that resembled bones. Kennedy grinned in excitement. If there was one things the teens of the OBX could do, it was through a rager.

          They met up with Kelce and chit-chatted for a while. But the boys insisted on talking about golf—which made Kennedy want to stick pins in her ears. Which was why she left for the keg stand without another word, leaving poor Sarah to listen to the boring conversation from under Topper's arm. After the day she'd had, she couldn't wait to unwind with a drink in her hand; it was calling her by her full birth-given name.

              "I'll have one of whatever the hell that is." Kennedy spoke up as she reached the kegs and table full of alcohol beverages, pointing at one of the kegs hooked up to a hose. Pope Hayward who seemed to be on drink duties blinked in surprise at the sight of her, though of course she would be there—Kennedy Thornton never missed a party. But his surprise stemmed more from her talking to him instead of her presence at the party.

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