Spider and Saber

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"I ask of you.. are you m- ... wearing spandex?"

"Uhh.. I just wanna say, in my defense.. this isn't a sex thing."


The girl shook herself slightly.  It was only now that I took notice of her accent 

British... of course she was British.  

( Deadpool: "watch the video, give RedMufflerMan your support. DOOO IT")

"Ummm.. so..  let me get this straight. Wh-who are-?"

"I am Saber." said the woman. "I am your servant. Have you not summoned me to take the Grail in hand?"

Saber!? My Servant?! What the heck?  What kind of name or role was that anyways? Wait, the first guy was called Lancer.  Saber.. Lancer... pretty similar names if I had to say so myself.  Could it be-?

I stood up, muttering to myself. "If.. Lancer was somehow related to the big booty ritual that Fisk was going on about in the records I saw, and he called Fisk Master, and then now I have here somebody with a similar name calling me Master, it only goes to show that somehow I've gotten involved with this too, and you're related... I guess.. simple logic really."

"Ex.. cuse me..?" Saber frowned, tilting her head slightly. "Are you truly my ma-?"

"S-sorry, just trying to figure this out right now." I grunted. "Okay, so where did you come from?"

"The Throne of Heroes." said Saber frankly.

"And where is that precisely?" I asked.

"That is.. a complicated question." said Saber. 

"How complicated? Another dimension? Another universe?" I asked. 

"More complicated then that." said Saber. "Even for a mage you seem to be taking this in rather good stride, I must say."

"Oh uh, weird things happen to me a lot, but wait.. did you just call me a mage?"

Saber looked troubled by this. "If you would, please show me your left hand."

"Uhh.. kay?" I held up my hand.

"Take off the glove."

For a moment I considered this request. But this woman had saved my life, and frankly my Spider Sense was getting nothing out of her. Even with her doubts that meant she didn't intend to hurt me. 

So I decided to humor her. I took off my glove and immediately I caught sight of a bright red set of markings, like a tribal tattoo almost shaped like a spider, divided into three segments.

Saber nodded, looking satisfied. "I can't say this was the most.. normal.. of circumstances, but you are indeed the one who summoned me. Shall we form a contract?"

"A what?"  I muttered. 

"A contract." said Saber. "It would seem you are uneducated in this field.. quite unfortunate. Perhaps it is better if I was never summoned to begin wi-."

Saber's face froze up, her eyes went wide. 

It was easy to see why. Her instincts seemed on par with my Spider-Sense. Danger!?

Both me and her leaped back from the center of the roof as giant etherial blades of what appeared to be light cut into the concrete tiles. 

I looked up as a balding asian man leaped down between us, etherial magical runes rotating like shields around his fists, bathing his monk's outfit in light. 

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