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"Agha who where.. DOC OCK!!"

I was startled from my moment of meditation as a boy stumbled out of his bed in the quiet house. 

The book open on my knees,  'Machinations and Achievements of the 21st Century" fell to the floor as I stood up, startled. 

Peter stood on his bed, his eyes tired as he had taken a reflexive fighting pose. 

"P-Peter are you-?"

"N-nightmare.. I was a Hot Dog and Dock Ock was spraying ketchup on me so he could feed me to Joey Chestnut.." Peter muttered, calming down immediately and sitting down. 

I frowned. "Is.. that a.. normal dream?"

"As normal as they usually get. Lately I've been having some other ones that were oddly vivid.. " Peter glanced at me briefly. "Like.. stuff involving being killed on a hill by some Knight in Armor..."

I did not speak. I did not want to acknowledge the dreams that I myself had been having.. 

Dreams of a man I could've saved... shot by a robber I could've stopped..  clutching my hand in his final moments.. the same man who appeared in that picture hanging over Aunt May's mantlepiece. 

"We should.. get breakfast.. " I murmured. 

"Yeah.. we should!" Peter said, jumping down from the bed. "Ah, go down ahead of me. Tell Aunt May I'll be down in a sec. By the way, Internship's today, so, if anything happens to me well-."

"I'll be waiting outside just in case." I said. 

"Hoo.. yeah, thanks." Peter sounded relieved as he began rummaging around in his backpack. "Honestly wasn't sure how safe I might be if I'm alone with.. you know.."

After the intensity of last night.. I couldn't blame him for being nervous. 

After last night, I wouldn't be surprised if he were vomiting and begging to stay in bed for the rest of the day. 

However, of course he wouldn't do something like that. 

He was Spider-Man. Spider-Man didn't quit. 

And neither did King Arthur. 

However much they wished they could, neither the King or the Spider could ever stop. 

That was our chosen curse. 

After the party, Reed Richards had driven us back to May's house. We couldn't stay away from her place forever if we didn't want to worry her, and Richards had agreed to have the Fantastic Four keep surveilance on the place just in case. 

Rogue wouldn't just be able to walk in and make our lives hell. 

On the other hand, the moment Peter put on his mask and started swinging out there.. 

I went downstairs to find Aunt May already setting the table. 

She smiled warmly at me. "Oh hello there Saber, please help me for a moment, I guess Peter must be getting ready."

"Yes, he said as much." I said. 

"Ah yes. " said May. 

At that moment it occurred to me that I should correct May on my name. It wouldn't do for her to suspect I was the one and same Saber who now accompanied Spider-Man. 

"May, forgive me, but about the name 'Saber.' I began. 

"You would prefer Artoria yes?" said May with a small smile. 

"Uh.. w.. well.."

May leaned in close to me and whispered. "Please take care of him out there. I know that he's doing what Ben would want, but I do worry."

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