The Sword of Promised Victory

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Didn't have to tell me twice..  As the huge hunk of a Juggy came barrelling at me, the earth trembling in his wake, I swung out of the way fast as I could. 

"Like dude, if you WANNA kill me, don't warn me before you start trying to stomp me!" I yelled. "Bit of a contradiction don't you think?" 

The Juggernaut.

The unstoppable Juggernaut. 

Aka, Caine Marko.

Literally you could not come up with a WORSE person in the entire world to deal with without an entire team of super heroes to back you up. This guy tangled with Thor, The X-Men, and The Hulk.  

Apparently he touched some weird magic red gem, and as a result, he got some powers from a God which made it so as long as he had momentum going, he literally couldn't be stopped from moving through whatever was in his way. That and a healthy dose of super strength made this guy the 9 foot tall bane of the existence of humanity. Imprisoning this guy meant you literally had to find a way to keep him from even SLIGHTLY moving his body, or he'd just move through whatever you had him encased in. 

I managed to keep Juggy temporarily down by drowning him in a cement pit the first time I met him, making him unable to move or build up motion. But of course the cement hardened and he eventually managed to gather traction, and after a few months running through the earth without any need to eat or sleep or breathe, he ended up in the ocean and swam back to shore. 

I think he took that personally.

"THOSE MONTHS.. OF NOTHING.. BUT RUNNING.. THROUGH DIRT!! SWIMMING THROUGH DIRTY SHITTY WATER WITH ALL THOSE FISH!!" Juggernaut roared  as he skidded to a halt and turned to run at me again.  "I HATE FISSSSHHHH!!"

"Now come on Jugs! Look on the bright side! Ya got a free pass to look at the wonders of the ocean! Humbolt squids, Sperm Whales! Hell you probably got to say hello to Namor the Submariner! Once in a LIFETIME experience if you ask me! And you didn't even have to pay for a sub."

"DO YOU EVER SHUT UP!!?" roared Juggy as he leaped into the air, raising both his fists. 

"MWA!? Shut up!?" I yelled as I flipped away, swinging high to avoid a massive ringing shockwave that sent rubble flying across the street the moment Juggernaut's fists hit the earth. "Why I'd never! We here at Spider-Man Quips incorperated swear to always uphold our daily quota of quips and.."

"SHUUUUUT ITTTTT!" Juggernaut picked up an entire pickup truck and sent it flying at me. 

"OH CRAP!!" 

I could have dodged it, except there were a ton of bystanders still screaming and running from the scene. 

"OH MAN ON MAN!!" I swung in an arch under the truck as it bounced back,  testing my web shooters to their limits as I switched them into a wide spread mode, firing a ton of sticky netting that spread across the entire block. 

The truck slammed into the web, stretching it like a rubber band net which kept it from flying into the crowd. 

Reflexively, I then hurled a massive barrage of webbing into Juggy's feet, trying to freeze him to the ground, but he moved his legs forward, and tore through it like construction paper, rampaging towards me at incredible speed.  I could practically hear a train whistle in my mind as the behemoth flew forward. 

I had situations like this with Rhino. Usually I could give that big russian the runaround by bobbing and weaving, etc.  and then coming in with a few good blows of my own till he wore out. But Juggy was way out of that guy's league. 

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