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"So.. wait.. I gotta dress up?" 

"Well yes.. that is if you're going as this gal's plus one." 

The red headed girl grinned at me as I leaned against the Fantastic Four's reception desk in full guise as Peter Parker. 

For some reason, Saber seemed to scowl at her, sipping on her Starbucks Frozen Latte menacingly as she dipped one hand into a bowl of crescent rolls that Johny had just bought. 

Sunlight streamed through the cafe windows as people chattered at their tables, masking our conversation perfectly. 

With Johny wearing casual clothes, he was less recognizable, but that didn't keep a few girls from giggling and stopping by now and then to ask for his autograph. 

"Sure sure.. smile folks!" Johny said, grinning as another girl giggled. "Feel free to make that your new background."


"Just smile and wave-."


Johny gave a start as Mary Jane Watson, our redheaded, beautiful guide for the day, who happened to be my Ex Girlfriend, gave him a glare.  "Stay focused!"

"Ri-right sorry." said Johny. "Next time ladies, uh.. hero business."

As the girls walked away, MJ sighed. "Alright, so to get this straight, we need to get Artoria here.. whose actually THAT Saber.."

"Hold it.." Johny pressed a button to the watch on his wrist. "Sound Dampener, Reed gave it to me for these kind of convos.. go on."

"Right.. we need to get her Expo Gala ready.. " said MJ. " And also you're her plus one as Spider-Man. Am I getting that right Pete?"

"Yeah, pretty much." I said. 

"And she's actually King Arthur!?" said MJ excitedly. "Are you for real!?"

"Uhhh.. yeah." I said. 

Saber resumed glaring at MJ. "And your interest in that fact is-?"

"You're king Arthur girl, that's huge in anybody's book." said MJ. "Also I am writing a paper for Brit Lit on the Arthurian legend of Excalibur being returned to the lake upon his passing.. her.. uh your passing.. is it okay if I ask you a few questions about-?"

"You sure we should ask questions about what it was like for Saber to die?" I muttered. 

"Oh.. nevermind." said MJ, looking embarrassed. "Fair point."

Saber shot me a quiet thank you with her eyes before resuming glaring at MJ, for reasons I suspected weren't involving the insensitive question. 

"I fail to see how this person is supposed to help me." Saber growled.  "Why did we ask for her help?"

"Cause this expo is a gala, which means you gotta dress up and stuff." I said. "And as a poor high school student, I haven't exactly even been to prom before... mainly cause clothes like these don't come cheap... but MJ however is an expert."

"Oh." Saber said coldly. "Are you suggesting that as a King I wouldn't know how to dress appropriately?"

"You telling me you used dresses and formal wear as a King all the way back in Camelot?" asked MJ. 

"Why I used the usual doublet with a ceremonial sword sheathed at my side.. Guinevere insisted I looked quite handsome-" Saber began. 

"Ooof, yeah, we have a lot of work to do." said MJ. "Saber.. you do realize you're the woman this time right? Peter's gonna dress in the suit. You're the one whose gonna be decked out in a cute dress."

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