Artoria Pendragon- Reporter Extroardinare

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"So she just... ran off!?"

I paced back and forth in front of Saber, sweating a little as Johny just lazed on the couch next to her.   "Like.. you could've let me kn-."

"I.. apologize, I reacted on instinct." said Saber quickly. "But.. I did not think she would cause trouble."

"Ya see dude? She was right, nothing to go off your rocker about!" said Johny. "Like honestly Pete! You're good!" 

"Just.. I'd like to know when somebody I care about is about to almost get themselves killed!" I said. 

Saber went red. "You care- ahem.. this isn't the time Master, we are engaged in what is by definition a War. We have to expect enemies like these and respond accordingly. I.. I suggest that perhaps you take time off from school.. we cannot afford to be unfocused this time. This Rogue means to take your life."

"I have to agree with her Peter."  Reed Richards stepped over behind the couch, adjusting his lab coat. "Look. I can smooth things over with your aunt. I'll tell her you went to that internship you applied for long term. I do have connections to the Einzbern Research Center.. "

"THE INTERNSHIP!!" I roared, smacking a hand to my forehead. "I never DID call back about tha-!"

"Oh no worries, I did that for ya." said Johny. 

"Wait.. WHAT!?" I said. 

"Eh-eh?" Saber blinked at Johny. 

"What are you two looking at? Its EASY to imitate Pete over the phone.  Watch! Hello I'm Peter Parker, I like photography and I keep a shrine to Mary Jane Watson behind my mirror!" 

"Hmm.. the voice impression.. is quite accu- W.. wait.. who is this Mary Jane Watson!?" Saber stammered. 

"She's my ex.." I said. "Look I-."

"A.. are you still in contact with this Mary Jane Watson perchance?" Saber stammered. 

"Huh!?" I shook myself. "W-well yeah she knows I'm Spider-Man but she's dating Paul n-."

"SH-SHE KNOWS YOU ARE-!?" Saber began to sound uncharacteristically panicked. 

"Let's get back on topic." said Reed. 

"Yeah anyways, I know Pete's always running around stopping crime so much he forgets shit." said Johny with a thumbs up grin. "It's why I step in and pretend to be him for shit he forgets to call back about."

"He does do that a lot." I muttered. "But come on dude, stop scheduling Dentist Appointments for me just so we can bail and hang out in Los Vegas!"

"Come on you know ya love it!" said Johny.

"Ya flaming douche, you know I don't have money to gamble!"

"It's not about the gambling, it's about the food bruh!"

Saber's eyes came at the two of use like Ghost Rider's Penance Stare and cut us off. "Please.. let us just resume the discussion."

"Right right, on topic.. again." said Johny.  "Anyways, you can hang with us while this Grail War thing is sorted out! Or at least as long as that Berserker guy is hanging around!"

"First thing is first." said Saber. "We need to figure out his true name.

"True name." said Reed. "Right, just like your true name is King Arthur.. or Artoria Pendragon, I suppose this Berserker must have a true identity as a famous being.  If we can figure out who he is, we can learn how to defeat him. So lets sort what we know.  He is near invulnerable, and if you hit him or kill him with something, he gains an immunity to it, also he can resurrect from death for a certain number of times."

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