WE are Spider-Man

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The church entered my view as Saber began to slow down.. honestly with how fast she could move, I kinda wondered why I ever web slung to begin with while she was around. 

I leaped out of her arms as she touched down in the cemetary out front, where Rin, MJ and Johny were already waiting. 

"Everything's set." said Rin. "Somehow.. we sure Artoria can call the hammer from here..?"

"She has to be able to." I said. "If we don't catch Heracles by surprise, Kotomine will be able to counter it by having it hit his arm or something instead of the full body.. remember, the hammer doesn't have a lot of range compared to the wide blast Excalibur throws. We have ONE friggin shot."

"The plan was we'd take down Berserker and work to restrain Rogue at the same time", said Johny. "I mean we planned for the fact she could absorb our powers and everything.. this priest guy you phoned us about on the way here.. uh.. I dunno Pete, do we even KNOW what his deal is?"

"No.. that's what worries me.. either way, stick to the plan, we can be rougher with the priest.. he's a fucking asshole." I growled.

"His name is Kirei Kotomine, and yes he's an asshole. Don't underestimate him!" Rin growled. 

"You know him!? Course you know him." I grunted. 

"Uhhh.. now what do I do?" MJ piped up.

"Stick to the balcony pews, like we discussed, get ready.." I said. "You know the plan."


I kicked the church doors. 

The doors flew off their hinges... my spider strength no longer held back in my desperation. 

And there they stood waiting..

Kirei Kotomine, Berserker.. and.. 

"YOU!" I snarled.

Ms. Mel looked at me serenely, eying me from over her shoulder. "Oho? They got here faster than I would have guessed."

"Believe me." said Kirei. "I believe the Spider has a bit more fire than you give him credit for..  oho? Ms. Tohsaka is here as well.. and.. Mr. Johny Storm.. not out with your three other friends?" 

"My sis and the rest of the crew have business with the shit lancer of Fisk's."  said Johny. "FLAME ON!!" 

Johny levitated into the air, fire covering his body as Rin glared at Kotomine, her magic circuits glowing over her limbs. 

Kotomine laughed. "My my.. that is a good look you all have on your faces..." 

"Where's Rogue!?" Saber exclaimed. 

"Ah.. Saber.. always straight to the point aren't you?" said Ms. Mel. 

"Do you see this?" Kotomine stood aside to reveal something on the alter before the large cross on the wall of the church. 

A golden chalice. 

It looked beautiful, polished, grandiose, with jewels encrusted in its sides. 

But there was something strange about it.."

Something felt ominous about it.. as if it were drawing in from around us.. drawing in something that... made me feel..

"The Lesser Grail.. as the contestants of the Holy Grail War eliminate each other.. its contents fill.. and fill.. nothing is supposed to be inside yet.. however, the wish we have in mind for this world is far beyond an ordinary Grail. So Lord Chaldeas has filled it with something else.. something that is sure to grant the contents of the Grail a surge-."

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