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That was perhaps the biggest and scariest dude I had ever seen in my life. And I once accidentally swung face first into the Hulk's butt. 

Hell he looked like the Hulk if the Hulk was Gray... wait a second I think the Hulk started out Gray at some point... hooooold the phone-."

"Hey Hulk is that you!?" I called out. 

Big Grey guy did not budge.. or talk.. he just stared. 

"Nevermind." I muttered. "So uh.. is this a-."

"Quiet.." Saber whispered.  "Master, listen to me, do not fight him, leave him to me."

That sealed the deal. If Saber said this guy could only be handled by her, then that meant this guy must be another servant.. and that meant- oh jeez Anna WAS the master. But wait that name.. Rogue? 

Honestly? Another person vying for a super hero name? 

"So is like.. Rogue your stage name or-?" I began. 

"Shut it!" said Rogue. "I ain't talking to you Spider.. I wanna know who the Servant is.."

"What do I say?" I whispered to Saber. 

"Unwise to reveal ourselves before we know more, especially in a Grail War." said Saber carefully. 

"Okay, then, just follow my lead." I said. 

"Y-your lead?"

"Trust me! I got this!" I said, holding a thumbs up. 

I turned back to look at Rogue and her Big Hunk of  Lug.  "Whaaaaaat? Servant? What are you talking about!? We're just a couple of innocent Alley Way cosplayers! Wait are you guys cosplaying too?"

"Wh-what he said!" Saber stammered. "We.. we are cos.. stuff.. "

Rogue rolled her eyes. "Oh for the love of- I heard Spider-Man was a weirdo but even I don't have the patience for this shit."

"Language!" I said.  "Keep talking like that and Cap's bound to jump out like a summoned demon!"

"Enough!" Rogue growled. "This here's Berserker, and that servant there's a Saber. It's obvious what's about to happen here, wouldn't you agree?  ZERK! Put up yer mitts! You've got prey."

Steam hissed from Berserker's mouth as he raised his massive stone blade. I could practically FEEL the power that was coming from him at such an alarming rate, that my Spider-Sense immediately went haywire. 

"WHOA! Okay, wait, we just wanna talk, not fight! We know you must have some sort of wish you want for that Holy Grail thing, but.. can we just discuss things first?"

"You're honestly asking to DISCUSS things?" Rogue growled. "Fuck off Spider-Man.  We all have wishes, it's human nature. I ain't falling for your shit.  And this fucked up world.. if I'm gonna save it from itself.. I gotta fuck you up good."

"First.. do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" I said. "Second.. my only wish is that people don't end up killing each other."

"Well too bad, gotta get in line and wish on the grail for that.. and I ain't giving up my wish.. " said Rogue. "Berserker.. crush em.."

It came so fast, my Spider-Sense didn't have time to react.  All I knew was that my first thoughts were- 'how the heck did he move so fast...?

"BOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!" Saber was in front of me before I could even blink.. her wind blade  brought up to block the massive stone sword that had been miliseconds away from cleaving me in half. 

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