She couldn't do it.

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It was safe to safe to say... I was SCREWED..

Like a lightbulb. 

How many Berserkers did it take to screw in a Spider-Man?  

Just one. 

"RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAR"  His roar shook the very earth itself as  he stepped out from behind Rogue, brandishing his weapon. 

Rogue breathed hard as I took my ready position. 

My spider sense screamed, and yet, I didn't move. 

I couldn't here.

Rogue's eyes.. her heart wasn't in it. 

"Look." I said.

"DON'T talk me out of it!" Rogue snapped angrilly. "I warned you... SO many times. But every single time, you IGNORED ME!! You could've JUST stayed out of the way and-."

"Rogue, I couldn't just do that." I said. "I have a responsibility-."

"ENOUGH with YOUR responsibility!? What about MINE!? I have a responsibility to every mutant on this planet. And you.. what is your responsibility to-? Just what about your responsibility says you have to stop me? To keep going? Only 7 people at most will die truly." said Rogue. "You're being selfish!"

I clenched my fists. "I won't lie, maybe for once, I am being a little selfish. At first I didn't think I had a wish, but.. I do have one now.  But other than that. Your responsibility.. isn't it just forcing your desires on people you haven't even bothered to ask or consider if they WANT what you're giving them?  What gives you the right to decide who gets to be a mutant and who doesn't!?"

"And what gives you the right to decide who gets to be saved and who doesn't?" Rogue growled. "It's all the same in the end. Whether you rescue somebody intending suicide, or I turn a mutant who liked being one. We simply assume that they don't know any better, or are only misguided.. correct?"

"I.. I.." I tried to speak, but Rogue shook her head. "Enough of this. There is nothing left to say.. Berserker... destroy him." 

Berserker stepped forward, raising his giant stone blade.

There was no out to this.  Berserker was so much stronger than me, it was like fighting a faster version of the hulk. And faster and Hulk weren't two words you ever  wanted to hear together if he wasn't on your side.

But then..


I looked up slowly

His eyes.. were different. 

The red was gone. I could see the whites of his eyes. And his face was a strange steady calm. 

Berserker turned to look at Rogue. 

"Wh-wha..?" Rogue stammered. "You.. I've.. I've spoken to you.. I've spoken to you so many times.. so many times I begged for you to respond.. and yet.. of all the times.. NOW IS WHEN YOU TALK TO ME!?"

Berserker looked back at me for a second and then looked back at Rogue. "The Spider.. he speaks truths you wish not to hear. Truths I wished to say, but my madness held me back.. but now.."

"SHUT UP!!!" Rogue screamed. 

Berserker jolted still, and the red returned to his eyes.. once more taken by the 'madness' that he had spoken of earlier. 

Rogue gritted her teeth furiously. "J-just what was-?"

"R-Rogue?" I began. 

"Ahh.. I see, so your power affected him.."

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