First, Six, then Rogue.

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"Wake up.. scum.."

The armored man's eyes flickered open behind his bug eyed visor.. 

He looked up in his dimly lit cell at the large impact proof glass  that held a view to the hallway outside. 

A girl stood there, wearing revealing leather clothing, with a net-like shirt over it.. her goth look fitted her, and the prisoner almost licked his lips when he anticipated what she'd look like if she were a little more nude. 

He abruptly stopped however when he saw her guardian. 

A hulking brute, he looked like a gray version of the hulk, wearing his gladiator-like outfit, silently staring with his glowing red eyes.. almost looking like a statue.

"Who are you supposed to be cupcake?" the prisoner growled, as he felt his tail twitch in its shackle.  "Whose your friend?"

"Mac Gargan.. Scorpion." the girl said. "I'm Rogue.. and I have a job for you.. a job you'll like so much, you'll take it for free, so long as I can set you free."

"Tch.. and what kinda job would that be princess?" the prisoner growled. 

The girl's eyes closed, and her voice seemed to tremble with reluctance. "Kill Spider-Man." 

"Girl.. not that i wouldn't like anything more than to squash that wisecrackin' bug.. but.. ya do realize how many people have hired me for that specific thing, only for me to disappoint yeah?" 

"Perhaps.. but this time.. you won't be alone.. "  Rogue said as strangely familiar arms, made of segmented metal with clawed pincers slithered over to the glass, preparing to pry the metal holdings apart. 

As the door was thrown back, Gargan smiled  as he walked out of the cell, the same arms slashing through his restraints, revealing his powerful green armor, and large mechanical scorpion-like tail which dripped green hissing acid from its tip.  "Oho.. now here's something nice.."

Gargan looked to his right, noticing that a strange priest was standing there, his hands clasped behind his back, smiling slightly. 

"And who might you be Father? Wanna save my soul? Take me to confessional?" Gargan spat. 

"Oh trust me, souls are but mere tools to truly get what you need." said the Priest.  "If you would have me do one thing, it is what I'm good at.."

Kirei's smirk grew wide as strange long blades slid out from between his fingers. "Severing heads."

Gargan chuckled. "Bruh.. don't know what your deal is.. but I like you already. So whose next?"

"Rogue.. if you would.. take us to the cell of one Adriane Toomes..?" said Kirei.

"Y-yeah.." Rogue said quietly. 


An alarm at the RAFT. 

Never a good sign. 

To make a long story short, the RAFT was pretty much where New York kept all of their dangerous super villains.. where a lot of other people kept their dangerous super villains if I'm being honest. 

A mass breakout there..

NEVER something you wanted to think about. 

And it was because of that, our planning session was cut short. 

Cause Thor had already left.. and with the Avengers stuck dealing with whatever Moriarty was chucking at them. Well..

I think we were the only ones left to DO anything about it. 

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