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I was surrounded on all sides

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I was surrounded on all sides. 

This was terrifying.  This was-.

"Excuse me.. Hello Spider-Man, I am Norman Osborn."

Oh for pete's sake.. wait my name is Pete.. for MY sake!?

After we had gone to the food table, it began to occur to me exactly how terrifying our situation was in spite of Saber's now seemingly boundless confidence. 

Doom and The King of Uruk were eying us from across the room as people danced and mingled.  Rin was grinning mischievously with a glass of wine- wait.. why did somebody MY age have WINE!? 

And now to top it off, THIS dude.. 

The Mayor of New York... The CEO of Oscorp, the company that developed the very spider that bit me, and.. the guy who I could never stop hating for a very good reason. 

Norman looked like an older version of my friend Harry in some respects. Same gelled back sandy orange hairstyle, elongated regal face that was almost royal.  But unlike his son, Norman's eyes were cold, without empathy. His politeness, his smiles, all felt fake at times. Though whenever he looked at Peter Parker, not Spider-Man, for some reason there was a little bit of warmth.  It was hard to know what Harry meant by "Norman never looks at anything with love" until I once met him as Spider-Man briefly after saving him from an attack by the Vulture, the first super villain I ever fought, several weeks into my heroing. 

"It's been a while." said Norman, holding out a hand to me and smiling coldly. "I do believe the last time we met, we didn't have time to properly introduce ourselves, I see your costume has had quite the upgrade..  last I remember you wore a red ski mask and a set of goggles.  Well take time to perfect your craft.. and of course-.."

I remained silent, not taking Norman's hand, but he seemed to take that in stride. 

Norman smiled at Saber. "And you must be the young lady of the evening.."

"I'm sorry?" Saber said. 

"Come now, obviously you're the main event." said Norman. "When the news got wind of your invitation through Reed Richards they couldn't keep quiet. Juggernaut is no mean feat."

"Sir, I suggest we don't stay long." 

I froze. 

There she was.. 

Norman's body guard.  I had known her ever since THAT night.. 

A petite woman. She might've been mistaken for a child, but her manner of walking, and speech,  and the fact I had seen her ever since me and Harry hung out in Norman's penthouse during my childhood betrayed her adulthood.  

Ever since I could remember, she always wore that strange veil over her face, with flower-like designs decorating it.. her radiant white hair flowing behind her, a cape over her regal blouse.  She had been Harry's Nanny, the one who drove him to school and honestly literally Harry's only parent in his life.  Not that she ever spoke in anything other than her cold quiet tone, like a robot. 

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