A Look At Your Friendly Neighborhood.

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When I awoke the next day, it was to see her looking positively radiant. 

May had set up the guest room for her and everything, but she hadn't bothered to go in. Rather I found her kneeling in full armor  at the foot of my bed, eyes closed, as if in calm meditation. 

According to Strange, Servants didn't need to eat or sleep.. but..

As the sunlight streamed through my window and I slowly stepped onto my carpet, Saber didn't make a sound. 

She simply continued to kneel there.. unbothered.. eyes closed.. wait a minute.

I stepped slowly over to her and knelt next to her face. 

Slow.. steady breathing. Wait she was actually asleep!? How did she sleep sitting straight up like that? Was her armor so inflexible it was propping her up or-?

"Snrrff.. mmm.." 

Her eyes flitted open. The fact she seemingly was so unaware of how beautiful she was when the sun hit her golden hair, or how radiant she looked in spite of having woken up from a deep sleep, seemed to only enhance her mystique. 

"Master you-.." Saber blinked. 

"Uh.. morning sunshine, sleep well?" I said. 

"I.. slept? That is impossible, my magical energy reserves are at fu-.." Saber shook herself. "First I hunger, then I sleep. I am aware that I am not like other servants, I cannot enter spirit form.. but.. this.. is.."

"You're not like other Servants?" I asked.  "How?"

"That is.. a personal matter I would rather discuss at a later date." Saber said quickly.  

I nodded slowly.  Yeah that's right, I didn't really know her much did I?

"Welp, I mean, if you're gonna take a snooze, next time just lie in a bed. Guest room is real com-."

"I couldn't possibly." Saber said quickly and firmly, locking eyes with me determinedly. "As your Servant, my priority is ensuring another master or servant does not slit your throat in your sleep."

"Trust me, I'd know if they did even if I was asleep. My spider sense would alert me." I said. 

"Spider.. sense..?" Saber said, blinking in confusion. 

"Oh uhhh, you see, it's like a sixth sense that alerts me to danger, and lets me reflexively avoid it at times." I said. 

Saber blinked and then nodded, as if something were dawning on her. "Of course.. you did manage to avoid Lancer's blows in spite of your inferior speed. And on that note, you are no mage, but you moved well, perhaps better than mages who use magical circuits to enhance physique."

"Right, um, yeah see I'm kind of superhuman myself." I said. "I was bitten by a radioactive spider you see, and ever since then I've had the powers of a spider. Speed, strength-."

"Those webs." said Saber. 

"No, that's stuff I make myself, otherwise it'd come out of my butt." I said. "Thank god it doesn't honestly."

Saber smiled slightly and snorted. I think it was the first time I ever saw her even get slightly close to laughing. 

"Okay okay, I see you're warming up a little." I said. "We'll get there. Soon you'll be laughing at all my jokes."

"My duty is not to laugh at your humor but to help you win this grail war." said Saber. 

"By killing masters or servants?"


I frowned. Here it was. The difficult hurdle. Saber probably had a wish for the Grail thing herself. Which meant that it was probably real inconsiderate of me to try and convince her to help me in my goal.

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