Lets Do this One Last Time.

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I stepped out of that Limo... well.. it must've been a hundred times that I stepped out of that thing.  It used to be Happy that did that a lot. Head of security and all that, you know the gist.  

Has to protect your head from dangerous ravenous car cielings, stand outside the bathroom stall and listen to your bad gas... smell said bad gas.. .warn you about the burrito that probably causes said bad gas.. watch as you ignore him and then end up in that said bathroom stall- Am I talking too much? I'm talking too much. 

Well anyways, I don't often narrate, its boring, its Therapy, and I don't go to Therapy unless Rider forces me to.  So.. 

Ahem..  yeah, this time, it was a woman who let me out.. but it was no less the same situation. 

Door open, leg step out, I stand up and lay my holy eyes upon the divine location known as.. 

Vinny's Pizza. 

However magnificent my life might be, this night, I am at the humblest of locations for the average New Yorker, and perhaps the most visited. 

Say what you want about deep dish Chicago Style. New York kills it every time. 

But I wasn't here for the pizza. I was here for the bloodied kids sitting inside enjoying slices.. 

As I stood, the night air brisk, making the outside of my suit feel cold to the touch of my hands, The woman with long purple hair and glasses, dressed in her own suit, the words "Security" sewn on her left breast pocket, adjusted my tie. 

"Alright Pepper.. that's fine really." I said. 

"How long are you going to call me that?" She frowned at me. Her eyes glittered behind her glasses. The most dangerous eyes on the planet.. eyes that could probably turn me to stone if she took off those glasses... Mystic Eyes Killers  Ryougi called it.  

"I think it sounds rather catchy.. Pepper Potts. I had a secretary named Pepper... Levinsky.. she was like.. here for a day, but then her grandfather caught lung cancer, real tragic. I funded the medical bills of course.. even if she couldn't work anymore, she made the attempt.  "

"You literally came up with that alias while staring at a pot of pepper on your shelf." The woman sighed. 

"What, gotta be better than what your sisters probably call you. Didn't Euryale say you looked like a weepy eggplant? Phew, not much of a burn, but come on, harsh."

"I told you that in confidence." The woman blushed, looking flustered. 

"And do you see ANYBODY else?" I grinned, holding out my hands. "Jarvis is literally the only one driving."

"Aye sir." my AI assistant spoke from my watch. "It is indeed only the two of us here." 

"Yes.. only the two of us." I said. "Sounds boring too, lets go get some company shall we?"

"You KNOW that they are technically our enemies right?" The woman called Rider muttered as we approached the Pizza Diner's lit up door. 

"That's not the kind of person Spider-Man is." I said. "He's a good kid."

"I don't doubt that." said Rider. "But.. the desire for a dearly held wish twists people Tony.." 

"This Grail War.. look.. I know what you're thinking. But I saw what Saber was like with my own eyes Ms. Potts." I said as I approached the door.  "They don't have interest in winning. And.. I personally think that a lot of these 'heroes' shouldn't have to leave just like that. A second chance of life shouldn't just go away after a single wish.. "

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