The End is Merely the Beginning.

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Every strike from him.. was like a tidal wave of force backed by the gods themselves. 

Of course he was a god. What else was I expecting?

I found my very feet exploding through the floor boards of the church, sending splinters and shards of hardwood flying as he slammed against my holy sword repeatedly with his powerful stone blade. 

Heracles roared as I parried his strikes just barely. 

I sent a constant stream of Mana burst into my body as I fought.  

Even as I felt Peter was very far away, for some reason, my connection to his immense pool of mana was far greater than ever. I could almost feel like my old living self again. That unusual power held welling within. 

I could feel myself exploding with immense force as I was able to emit a constant stream of every growing attacks, my golden glowing blade erupting back at the stone sword, constant shockwaves erupting from us as we collided. 


It was true what Rogue said, Godhand had made Heracles far too resistant to Excalibur to do much now. 

Was now the time to pull our ace out? 

No.. I had to hold out till-

"KAABLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMM!" I was sent flying through the open church doors as a huge hammering blow sent my blade and me skidding back. 

Heracles erupted out after me, growling furiously, the earth shook beneath his every step. 

"RIN!" I roared as I wiped flecks of blood from my forehead. "We need to move this fight out- Rin!?"

I saw a girl in red collapsed in the mud outside the church near me, the rain pelting her body.. she was groaning as Kotomine stood over her, wiping his hands and smirking. 

Behind him, Johny also lay.. sizzling into smoke..    He.. beat them both?!

"Wh-wha!?" I said. "Even you shouldn't finish them that quickly-."

"There's much you don't know about me.. Saber." said Kotomine as he flexed his fingers and hurled out a hand, causing several long bladed knives to appear between his fingers. 

Black Keys. They were weapons of the Church.  Did he seriously think he was going to take a Servant? Well he had Heracles supporting him, perhaps he was thinking of playing backup? In that case I should keep my guard up more towards his servant at the le-."


I felt shock course through me as Kotomine's knee erupted into my gut, shattering parts of my breast plate instantly. 

I coughed up blood, hacking painfully, as a shockwave exited past my spine.  "Wh-what..?"

Kotomine looked down at me, his eyes dark and lacking the remotest sign of empathy as he smiled almost emotionlessly. "How sad. You still don't realize. You two were always outmatched from the moment you stood against us. You and your Spider-Totem."

I swung Excalibur at Kotomine in retaliation in one arm, but before I could, Heracles grabbed me by the head and threw me to the ground, causing a shockwave the explode across the earth. 

Through my pain I saw MJ run to Rin, I wanted to yell at her to run, but before I could Kotomine grabbed my arm and pulled me back to my feet quickly before hurling a few powerful blows with two martial arts jabs with his left hand. 

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