Gone Rogue

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He lied. 

I could tell. When he told me he was fine he was lying. His injuries were apparent to me. 

Some fractured ribs, some broken bones, lacerations.  But at the very least I could tell when he told me he healed quickly that it definitely wasn't a lie.   

This boy.. this man, had been beaten up many times before. He was used to this. Otherwise he wouldn't have lived to swing from another web. 

While I admit I was hungry for this delicacy called Pizza, in the end the reason I ended up sitting back on that park bench to eat with him as we watched the Police and other strange heroes come in to deal with the aftermath of the Juggernaut's rampage, was because I knew he was not in a state to walk home yet, much less swing home. 

I wasn't sure how good his healing was. As far as I knew, Spiders didn't have accelerated healing. Spiders didn't have 'spider sense' either though, so what did I know about Peter's full capabilities?

I suspected that along with the Spider Powers he had, that strange bite gave him a few extra abilities in addition to the arachnid's traits.

As we sat on that bench, Peter's mask half way up his nose so he could slide a few of those delicious slices into his mouth, my mouth.. while I'm embarrassed to admit this.. near stuffed to the brim with the glorious food.an incredibly tall.. and green.. woman came to meet us. 

She was beautiful in a certain sense, with tone fit muscles and green skin, and black hair, and stood around 8 feet tall, about a head shorter than Juggernaut, dressed in a slim jumpsuit. 

"We'll take it from here Spidey." said the woman with a smile. "Oh..? Well whose this? I heard from the witnesses, you took on Juggernaut?"

"Yeah.. she's the hero here." said Peter, nudging me with an elbow.  "Not me."

"Do not sell yourself short, you saved many people." I said. 

"Humble sort hmm?" said the woman. "Jennifer Walters, aka the She-Hulk in case you didn't know."

"Umm.. S.. Saber." I said. 

I wasn't sure how to answer this woman other than that. Every fiber of my being said to keep my identity secret. However, as long as my armor remained on, Strange's spell held. Therefore, as soon as I dispelled my armor, at the very least, no Grail War participants would be the wiser.  

So at the very least, my True Name should remain hidden.. although.. if Juggernaut woke up and told them what he saw, it might be too late. 

"Never seen you around before." said Jennifer. "You're definitely new. So what's your story?"

"Uh, it's a complicated story." said Peter. "We're.. still sorting out who should be in the know on this if I'm gonna be completely honest. If the Avengers wanna know more I'd advise talking to Doctor Strange."

"Stephen has something on this?" muttered Jennifer. "Didn't tell me about any sword wielding new heroines on the scene. Well if he didn't tell me he has his reasons. I'll give him an ask and if he refuses to say more I won't pry, but I can't gaurantee Stark or Thor will be any bit as willing to remain out of the loop. You better be ready for some chaos in the press.. "

"Thanks for the warning.." said Peter. 

As Jennifer returned to the scene, I couldn't help but feel a strange about all this. 

About this world

About the supernatural things I had just witnessed.. including the Juggernaut itself. 

"Are mystics really all that.. known?" I asked. "The Age of Mystery and Gods was supposed to end with me but.. Magic and monsters seem to regularly just turn up, whether by scientific means or magecraft in this world.."

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