The Web of Infinity

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Why now?

Why this!?

If I had a penny for every time I thought this, I'd be a freaking millionare. 

I swung at high speed.. scanning every part of Time Square as I dove past lights and sounds, the screens illuminating me as I landed in the middle of the street, a taxi honking at me

"HEY WEB HEAD!! OUT OF THE WAY!" roared a taxi driver. 

"GET OUT OF HERE!" I yelled back. "THERES  A BOMB!!"


I held myself back from yelling again. It was too late to evacuate people, just screaming this out now would only cause a panic. There was only one thing I could do and that was diffuse whatever explosive was-. 

"Vmmmm Vmmmmmm!" 

"Master your phone."

I turned to look at Saber. Rain was coming down hard now and I could barely make her out through the water streaming down my lenses, her armor flashing with light from the sights around us. 

I nearly fumbled for the phone in my backpack, only to realize I could just tap the answer function on my mask, which I did.


"Spider-Man, good, it seems I have your attention." Moriarty's voice came through calmly. 

"How did you get this number!?" I snapped.

"Is that truly important right now? I merely called to give you some important clues, after all where's the fun in playing detective when the criminal's hand is never revealed?"

"What!?" I exclaimed. 

"You'll find that the location of my bomb is relatively... easy to find... but diffusing it is another matter."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" 

And then I heard it..

"Master.. that sound.." 

I heard a noise falling down from the sky.. the sound of... Jet engines!? 

"Yes.. it would seem like folly if you only got to face the false lancer in this Grail War.. Peter Parker."  Moriarty said. 

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!" The center of Times Square exploded as something slammed down into it from the sky, trailing jet propulsion rockets, sending cars flying. 

On instinct I hurled out webs, catching the cars in large nets before they could reach the screaming confused citizens. 

From the rubble, Ms M. rose.. looking different now. 

Her eyes were covered with an armored mask designed in the same way as her veil, but with silvery armor covering her body, her retracted blades equipped to her wrists, what smelled like rocket fuel hissed from her body as she stepped out. 

She looked the same as that day.

The same as when she killed-..

I felt my mind flash with memories that filled me with a combination of fear and bitter remorse. 

"Well.. I thought this war was supposed to be secret." I said. 

"In a world filled with superhumans.. witnesses are not something I suspect Osborn regards as too much of an issue." said Saber with a glare.  "Just another day on this world.. right?"

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