An Ounce of Good.

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Centuries ago.. during what man calls the Paleolithic era.  When the Age of Gods was strong...

She came down from the heavens.

A giant white titan. 

In time, some of humanity would grow to know her by a name that solidified her within the Throne of Heroes for eons.  However, we... we only knew her by one terrifying name. 


I was younger than. Bolder,  more reckless. Perhaps this was the incident that caused my father to recognize my immaturity, and to banish me to Midgard temporarily in the 21st century.  Perhaps he recognized that my recklessness was partially to blame for our loss. 

When the White Titan landed in Midgard.. on Earth. We were already waiting for it. 

We had been expecting its arrival for sometime. All the gods of the universe had waited for it. 

Sefar had already ravaged much of the cosmos. Galactus would not risk getting in its way.. 

The Collector would drooled to even have a piece of it in his collection, but wouldn't even risk paying for somebody to claim that prize. 

It was the embodiment of the purest of most ancient monstrosities. 

When it landed upon the planet, I was ready.. me and my brother stood at Father's side, the Valkyries at his back.  The other gods were ready as well. 

Zeus  back when he was more machine than god.. 

Cyttorak and his brethren. 

Gods and heroes all stood against the great white thing that trampled across Midgard, burning it into oblivion. 

And we all lost. Zeus and the Olympians, their initial bodies were destroyed in the aftermath. My fellow asgardians, thousands upon thousands of them died... 

I was left kneeling in the carnage before the beast as it bore down on us. 

Then she appeared.

She was mortal. But in her hand she held our final hope

A sword forged in the heart of the planet, in its inner sea. 

This sword was a new invention in our known Universe.  We had forged weapons in the inner seas before. The inner seas of Dying Stars, of desolate worlds.  They were always powerful, especially forged from concepts and not just physical heat.  MY hammer itself was a testament to the potency of such Noble Phantasms and Magical Arts. 

But this sword was the first forged from an Inner Sea of a world inhabited by life. Life with sentience, feelings, desires for victory.  A sword that held their belief of victory in its heart. Theoretically it would only grow stronger against threats to those it held in its heart.  But it was but a theory.

It was believed too dangerous to forge a weapon from the Inner Sea of a Planet that held life and promise upon it. Even Asgard's smiths could not do it without accidentally destroying a few unfortunate realms before I was born. 

But we were all desperate. And the Fairies were different, although fickle. 

The woman.. I do not remember her appearance or her name..  

But she took the sword in hand, and in one strike.. the White Titan was bathed in the Holy Blade's light and made no more.. 

I myself watched her strike down the titan.. my nearly dead brother in my arms.   To this day.. I still cannot forget that..

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