19: The Actions Of A Shattered Woman

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It was October 12th, 2033- a rather warm autumn day. The wind was howling, the children laughing and playing. The colors of the leaves decorated the park in such a pretty way, it reminded Sarah of the park in Stratford. Though, the differences between the gorgeousness of the scenery was stark: Glendale park only had trees and paths while Stratford park had the steel of giant towers in the background.

Sarah had a light sweater on, watching as the children played. She noticed that Oliver's entire family had come for the 3rd birthday party for her youngest twins, Gabriel and Lauren. Mr. and Mrs. Grean spoke to the small children that were now running around. Sarah soon learned that Derek, Oliver's older brother, had more children with his wife of 17 years.

Even Wylie got married and had a few children of her own. Sarah felt like the odd one out, slowly drifting away from the party. She noticed her oldest twins were starting to shy away from the kids that were running around, playing games with each other. Willow and Sammy huddled close to Sarah, watching as the children their age and older ran circles around each other, laughing and shouting as they chased each other.

Sarah bent down to them, hands on their shoulders. She looked them in the eyes, telling them to go have fun and play, and that she'd be right back. They didn't ask questions, they only began to shuffle awkwardly forth to their cousins. Sarah notified Oliver that she was going to run to the house to get something, and he dismissed her, talking with the people he'd rather spend time with.

She drove home quickly, getting into the house. Quickly, she began to pull boxes out, fetching suitcases. Her plan was to pack her spot full of her things so she could just shove them back into her car and retreat back to Stratford. 

Stuffing things into boxes and suitcases, Sarah hummed softly to herself, checking the time on her phone ever so often to make sure she was pacing herself. Quickly, she started to slide things into place, beginning to fantasize about her life in the city. 

Sarah paused, staring at the things she was accumulating. Most of what she owned was already packed. Then, she glanced at her door, seeing dropped toys swept into neat piles on the floor. The last thing that was making her stay was her children. It was the thought of leaving them alone with an incapable father that made her stay- the thought of something happening made her skin crawl, and already had her blaming herself for something that didn't happen.

She stayed there for a long time, staring out into the hallway, some of her clothing in hand. Every thought running through her head was an outcome she could change. Sarah's hand dropped, a breath escaping her. It was the strict fact that she had to choose between her children's safety and her own. Sarah knew she couldn't have it both ways, although she desperately wanted it to be that way.

Glancing at her phone one last time, Sarah gasped, quickly getting up and jogging through the house. Just as quickly as she realized, she was in her car and driving back to her twin toddlers' birthday party.

Pulling up was slow, but finding parking was easy. Sarah was out, noticing that more people were running around. Adults were running around. Mothers held their children tightly. Mrs. Grean was trapping the children into a safety bubble, looking around as if trying to spot someone dangerous. Sarah walked up, noticing that even Oliver was panicking. His eyes were wide, his movements quick and rigid.

It was then she learned that her twins were missing from their own party. It was at that moment when she too started to panic, getting back into her car, attempting to look for her children that way. Willow and Sammy crawled in, seemingly finding solace in their mother's backseat. Sarah was quick to whip out of her parking spot, turning the wheel sharply as she began to circle the park. She begged her children to look, on the brink of tears, her breaths labored as she whipped her head in all directions, trying to scan the land for her children.

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