48: Meeting Anew

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The campus was beautiful, the skyscrapers visible as large pillars in the background of the halls and dorms.

Willow managed to get a room that had a clear shot of The Queen and all her glory, while Sammy had something that made her laugh: a tree. 

The first few weeks went by smoothly. It was the meeting new people that was tough. She was surrounded by people who came from everywhere in the state, their passion shining through brighter than she perceived hers. Sammy started to blend in whereas he'd stand out in their high school.

Look! Your kind! Willow joked. Sammy elbowed her, rolling his eyes. 

Shut up. I have better earrings. 

It was when she laid eyes on a certain guy did she suddenly feel like her old self again. Daydreaming about just simply speaking to him flowed through her mind before a 2 year chunk was taken from her life. He still kept his soft eyes, always drawing Willow in. Sammy seemed to notice him before she did, pointing him out.

Isn't that Connor Brians? 

Willow felt an unexpected leap in her chest. She glanced over her shoulder, seeing those soft brown eyes. Sammy would usually identify Connor with his long hair, though he seemed to have cut it and combed it back into a neat style. Sammy pursed his lips, nodding as if approving this new hairstyle.

Each new month seemed to bring unexpected news. Sammy would come up to her, dragging a guy by the arm. He'd joke, hitting the guy in the chest.

  Look, Wills! Willow raise an eyebrow at the guy he dragged over.

Our uncle's here. Willow laid eyes on her father's second youngest brother: Aidan O'Laughlin, who had a funny face to him each time Sammy dragged him places. He always had that look of confusion, a bag half hanging off his back, an eyebrow raised. 

How many times has he dragged you places? Willow asked, watching as Aidan shrugged, shaking his head, trying to speak but finding no words.

I don't even know. I lost count. Aidan groaned. The twins didn't see him as an uncle- he was perceived as more of an equal, with his age only being 2 years ahead of them.

While Willow was trying to push through her studies, she noticed that Sammy seemed to slither among the partiers smoothly, managing to get to the alcohol easily. Too many times did she see Sammy slip into dark houses where the music was blaring. Oftentimes, she'd find him trying to sleep on a bench and have to drag him back to his dorm.

Though Willow despised parties specifically for their loudness and drunken men, she let Sammy convince her to go to one. 

C'mon-! You're so boring! He groaned, crossing his arms. 

I'm studious. Willow argued. 

Boring! Have some fun. You're only this young once. Willow groaned, rolling her eyes.

Plus, with the profession you wanna do, you ain't gonna have time for good times. Sammy tapped her desk with his fingers, raising a brow when Willow turned, a slight wounded expression on her face. 

Fine. She said after a moment. 

Yay! Fun! Sammy celebrated like a child, his movements aimed to elicit the same reaction from his sister.


She found herself in front of a building, rolling her eyes when Sammy popped out, waving her inside. People were bumping against each other. Sammy dragged her on the outskirts by her wrist. Willow craned her neck, surveying the bouncing people. Some had beers in their hands, others not. Some were leaned up against the outskirts, sipping their drinks gently, others were in the dark corners, pulling their companions close, deepening their lustful kisses.

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