59: A Happiness Next To Sorrow

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It was that same year, when Henrik lost his father and a younger brother did another disaster strike.

Before, when Willow and her family returned home, she saw Henrik as a broken man. A man who lost something great that he thought he'd keep for a little while longer. Sarah held him tight, and Willow thought about what she had seen.

His tears and the tears of his brothers as they cried out for their losses; their mother as she dropped to her knees, crying out a noise that would forever haunt her. She screamed, covering her mouth as she stared at the half of her house that was reduced to ashes, with her biological boy dying inside the fire. Willow learned his name: Jay; that's what they called him.

She went over the extensive family Henrik held dear. He had them in many picture frames on the shelf in the foyer. Willow would go over them, repeating their names in her head as she did. She'd identify them in order of their age. 

My father... Carlisle, Max, James, Jay, Aidan, and Sean.

Willow went over their faces. Max looked like his father, his eyes soft and kind like his mother's. She remember how he flailed at his burns on his back. Despite the wounds, he was relieved he could hide it with his clothing. James had a sharp jawline and a slender figure to him. He always seemed to have a smile on him. 

Jay was sarcastic and mean. Aidan was gentle and slow, and Willow noticed that Sean was simply confused. 

She'd listen to Henrik when he spoke with his mother as she ranted about how her youngest wasn't speaking at all. He was barely eating. Henrik would speak, rubbing his temple as a headache seemed to settle deep within his skull. Since the fire, her father had to undergo surgery. Being in his condition seemed to anger him- especially when walking had to be an aided activity. Willow would huff, grabbing her jacket and carefully leaving without disturbing him when his tone began to get sharp.

It was the next few months of that year that started to hold something that could've been considered a blessing. As summer came to an end, so did her loneliness. As if her hopes had been heard, Connor asked her on a date. 

What took you so long? Willow joked. He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, rose in his hand. 

I thought you would've left by now. I would've... especially after I just... left you like that.

Willow nodded, sighing. She had long since forgiven him, understanding that he needed to do what he wanted in his life. 

I said I would never leave, Connor. She said, taking his hands. A lovely smile spread across his face, his eyebrows furrowing. 

I hold to my promises. He cradled her cheek in his hand. It was a touch Willow craved for such a long time. A touch that was gentle but confusing. He never seemed forceful, despite that they've never gotten farther than light kissing.

Sammy noticed that Willow was happier and asked what kind of sugar she was having, and if he could have some. She hit him playfully, explaining that things were finally starting to come around. Sammy pursed his lips, raising a brow. It was then she revealed her and Connor were dating again. At first, Sammy felt nothing. Then, a confusing and twisting turn erupted in his stomach.

I thought I was over this...

His sister was so happy, it made him happy, but there was a sickly way where he wished it were him instead. Quickly, he put those thoughts down, deciding it'd be better if he'd just be happy for her. The year had been tough on all of them, most of the angst hitting their father right in his heart.

Willow and Sammy would come over, watching as he stared at the photo of his father. A glass of alcohol at his fingertips. The sight was new yet familiar. It was the way he was hunched, his eyes dark and his face dropped with sadness. Sammy was the one to take the drink from him, and Willow was the one to help him out of the chair. 

C'mon dad... Henrik hugged her tight, sniffling gently. Sammy watched, tears pricking to his eyes as he watched his father. 

He was pulled into the hug, Henrik's small cries muffled by the way he clenched his jaw, keeping them all inside. 

I'm sorry... He'd mutter to them. Willow would rub his back, furrowing her eyebrows, watching her father hang his head in some kind of shame. 

It's late. Adults need their rest too, dad. Sammy said. They'd work together, pushing him up the stairs and into bed where he'd stay. Oftentimes he wouldn't fall asleep, he'd simply stare up at his ceiling.

Henrik never seemed to rest.

It was the winter when they got another call. Henrik's breath was left hanging in the air as the words came out as a blubbering mess from the other end. Sarah was the first to notice, clenching her jaw. She was hoping this wasn't another call about, god forbid, his mother. When she got closer, she heard him repeating a name.

Sean... no...

The funeral was cold. Sean's death was caused by suicide, Sarah and her children quickly learned. The one to find him was Aidan, and the one who was keeping his note of apologies secret was him as well.

Aidan sobbed out, muffled screams of agony escaping. Though, it seemed that Henrik had no more tears to give. Willow noticed that Max was healing nicely, psychically- tears of pain slipped down his cheeks, though his body was still, eyes turning to a cold facade to hide the agony away. 

Their mother had no more tears left to give.

Willow imagined what it would be like to be Aidan in this situation. A brother who just wanted to cheer up his younger brother. When he opened the door, he noticed Sean was facing the wall. When he poked at him, he was unresponsive. Aidan rolled him over, his body was limp. In his hand was a pill bottle he found in the cabinet. It was far too late; he had overdosed the night before.

Sarah covered her mouth, tears of a familiar pain stinging her chest. Henrik glanced down at her, holding his breath steady. Though Willow could tell: everything was anything but steady. She wondered if disaster often struck the O'Laughlin family, or if it was because of her family who joined into theirs that gave them bad luck.

Sarah rested her head on Henrik's chest, watching as his youngest brother was lowered into the ground. Aidan couldn't let him go. Max pulled him up, but he fought. Willow tore her eyes away from Aidan as he dropped to the ground, bringing Max with him. Sounds and wails escaped. Aidan turned back to his fiancé, gripping her tightly as if afraid she were next to leave him.

Willow looked up, hoping to drain the tears. When she did, she saw the frosty clouds and how they seemed to move. Then, she saw something in the thickness of the cold she didn't expect.

The sun.

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