11: The Lost Ring and The Twins

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A couple weeks after that incident in the bar, Sarah began to feel sick. Oliver, being as vigilant when it came to her fertility, noticed immediately. He began probing for answers, asking questions, pulling her multiple positive pregnancy tests from the garbage, waving it in front of her face. 

You can't lie to me, Sarah. What are these?!

That months was nothing but trouble. He'd grab her wrist, demanding to know where her ring was. The horrible truth was that afterwards, when she searched her bag, she couldn't find the ring. Oliver was furious, throwing her around, her body banging into walls as Oliver screamed and shouted at her, demanding to know where her symbol of property was.

At some point, there was bruising on her neck, her head ringing like church bells when she recalled how he shoved her up the wall, his large hands gripping her throat. 

Answer me! Sarah shook her head, struggling to breathe. Her arms were raised like he was holding her at gunpoint, struggling to breath as his strength seemed to crush her airways.

  It-It must've fallen off while I was changing-! She'd cry.

Oliver would bang her head up against the wall, rattling her brain in her skull. His grip would restrict her airways, her lungs turning to fire as she struggled to breathe. 

Don't lie to me! Sarah shook her head again, this time her hands coming down to his thick wrist, her legs starting to kick. He practically held her against the wall, her toes starting to leave the ground. 

I swear-! It must've fell-! I would never take it off! Her voice came out raspy and choked, his brutal fingers digging into her flesh, threatening to crush her windpipe.

Sarah would feel her throat every time she would recall the strength and brutality of his hands. What he was capable of terrified her, even more so when he saw him play with her daughter, who had just turned 3. It was an irrational fear, she believed that Oliver would never hurt his daughter, but no matter how hard she tried to convince herself, she always notice how she'd stare at him while he played with her.

Like I'd be capable of stopping him...

It was only when Sarah went for her ultrasound, with Oliver standing right there besides her, did she feel fear. She was praying it was a girl. There was already a name picked out for her, and Sarah was determined to give her little girl her last name, to make sure she could cut ties with Oliver. Then, when the device scanned over her belly, and when the doctor pointed, they both gasps and exclaimed in surprise. Oliver's family had stopped coming to these nearly annual events, and Sarah was so relieved, not so much when Oliver still insisted he come with.

When she laid eyes on what was growing inside her, Sarah's jaw dropped. 

Fraternal Twins.

Oliver glanced at her, watching as Sarah wiped away the sudden tears. She couldn't understand why she felt so happy but terrified at the same time. What was growing inside her would be twice as much to worry about, but that wasn't what was bothering her. It was the babies. 

I already have names picked out...! Sarah had blurted out, softly whispering as if she were afraid her voice would kill her twins. Oliver glanced at her, saying nothing. The doctor took a moment, pointing at the one protrusion in the set. 

One boy and girl... Sarah had thought to herself. It took everything to not to touch her belly- to rub her lovely set of children.

Willow and Samuel.

Oliver didn't approve of the names, but Sarah could care less. There was a magical element to the way they were growing in her. She'd rub her belly, speaking to her children gently. Emma would come in, gently rubbing her belly. She had turned 4, and now Alex was 2. Emma understood but it seemed that Alex did not.

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