36: Taking Half-Hostage

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It was May 17th, 2038. Spring was right around the corner, the snow slowly melting into the rain water that made the ground soggy. The smell of fresh rain was on the bark of the trees, droplets on the blades of grass. 

The flowers weren't quite blooming, yet, Willow could begin to see the beauty that would follow the next following storms. These storms wielded quick winds and heavy rain, along with booming thunder that would always shock Sammy awake. He had a clear view of the city during these early morning rains. The sun barely touched the sky, yet it was light blue out, the clouds a dark gray. Lightning graced the sky, striking across, lighting up the glass that The Queen and many of her surrounding towers were built out of.

Willow would wake up at 5 AM, always creeping to Sammy's room, who was always awake. It began to become tradition, a happy and sweet creeping event that they'd rush down quietly to. While their mother slept, Henrik was awake, always making his children breakfast. Always early morning, always with conversations that stimulated Willow's mind into thinking and concepts that entertained Sammy.

Henrik would speak his native language, seemingly testing his daughter who expressed interest in foreign languages-even more so when she learned that her father was bilingual. When Henrik revealed that Carlisle spoke five languages- including English- fluently Willow was demanding to learn what he could speak. 

His children shared a part of his identity, pulling pieces from him. It wasn't exhausting, not how he believed it would be. Instead, it was exhilarating, watching his children make copies of his interest and putting these pieces into their own identities. The more they constructed themselves, the more Henrik saw how many similarities there were. Among the many identical traits, there were many differences. They were unique, possessing small bits of what he and Sarah could give.

Henrik waited for them to get on the bus before getting his own things and going to his car. Sammy watched as his father settled into his vehicle. He notified his family of his plans to visit his adoptive parents back in Glendale. A trip that would take the day.

The bus took Willow and Sammy to school and everything went like nothing was happening. Willow was now in high school despite only being 13, but she was excelling. Sammy was not far behind, feeling the weight lifted from his chest after leaving the band a year ago. It barely touched him despite Sammy thinking it would haunt him for a long time. Perhaps it was the fact that he and Connor seemed to quit at the same time that made the break-up easier.

A boring school day was often filled with substitutes. Sammy and Willow would regroup with their small group of friends outside at the tables. The fresh air was a good restart for their minds. Sammy huffed gently, taking a bite of his sandwich, noticing how Connor was seemingly getting closer to his sister every day. He thought it'd drive him crazy with jealousy, but he just felt more protective. Though, Sammy knew that Connor was a good kid, and that if he and Willow would do anything together, Sammy would trust Connor to not hurt his sister.

Sammy's long hair was tied back, earning a few snickers from the girls, though it didn't bother him. He decided the grow it out because there was something about cutting his hair that hurt: like he was cutting pieces of himself away, never to be healed. Sarah made sure his hair was healthy, promising to only cut off the dead-ends so his hair would continue to grow nicely. Henrik seemed careless of whatever his son decided to do with his hair, even going so far as to get some hair products for him. 

Sammy expected Willow to tease him, but she never did. She was rather enthusiastic, seeming to know something he didn't quite see. His sister would analyze him carefully, as if looking through him to find an anomaly in his person. If Sammy wanted something, Willow would get it for him, often snagging things off shelves when Sarah would take them to help her shop.

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