Important Notes/A Summary

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All chapters are in chronological order-based on the 7 storylines of the Families

Important dates:

Henrik Schafer's birthday: November 23rd 2004

Sarah Johnsen's birthday: July 13th 2001

Oliver Grean's birthday: November 25th 1988 (Death sometime during January 2045- age: 56)

Willow and Samuel's birthday: May 22nd 2024

Emma (Johnsen) Grean's birthday: September 25th 2020

Alex Grean's birthday: August 27th 2022 (Death sometime during 28th-31st of August 2051- age: 28)


2019- Sarah marries Oliver (PBD arrives as a "harmless" street drug in the capitol)

2022- After the birth of her son, Sarah chases after Glendale Uni, starting school

2023- Sarah meets Henrik

(2027-The Queen finishes construction in the capitol)

2029- Sarah instills the "contacts game" into her twins, they were 5

2031- Sarah and Henrik reunite

(2032- PBD comes in full swing in the capitol. Oliver slowly gets involved with the drug. PBD is involved in a homicide, warranting stricter federal laws)

2033- Sarah divorces Oliver-shortly after- Willow comes out at bisexual

2034- Henrik meets his children. Sammy starts to learn guitar

2035-([Flimsy] masks to be worn in PBD-fume infested areas federal law passed) Henrik and Sarah buy a house together. Sarah has a miscarriage with her third set of twins. (Arcclave's "The King" tower finishes construction-beating The Queen [884 feet] in country-record height by 100 feet)

2036- Emma performs self-abortion, damaging her reproductive health forever. [Henrik has a close call with a threat] Henrik and Sarah get married. Willow expresses interest in foreign languages, Henrik begins teaching her his mother tongue. Sammy has a sexual awakening. Connor invites Sammy to join his band. (Gas Masks to be worn in PBD-fume infested areas federal law passed)

2037- Sammy leaves the band. Sammy comes out as bisexual-quickly identifies with pansexuality. Plans are made.

2038- Willow is taken (2038-2040)

2039- Sarah attempts suicide

2040- Willow is returned [With 2 guilty murders in her conscious]

2042- The twins leave for college. Willow begins to date Connor

2043- The high speed chase between Connor and his old gang take place

2044- Alex goes into a coma due to PBD overdose

2045- Oliver is killed. Willow offers the idea to work for Marshell's Electronic Equipment. Zoe Bordelier and Willow begin to work for Mr. Marshell

2046- Willow and Zoe find out Mr. Marshell's necrophiliac tendencies. [Willow has sex with Jaclyn Marshell, Michael Marshell's younger sister] Willow and Zoe are the cause for Michael and James Marshell's death in the electrical fire that burns down the building-they get away scott-free

2047- Willow and Connor reunite in the force. Both watch as The Queen collapses

2048- Ryan O'Laughlin is murdered after his retirement. After his funeral, the house catches on fire, taking "Jay" O'Laughlin with it. Willow and Connor begin dating again. [Henrik's alcoholism begins to show] Sean O'Laughlin commits suicide closer to thanksgiving

2049- Willow and Connor agree to get married

2050- Willow and Connor get married

2051- Alex dies, Emma runs four states away to try and start anew

[The start of Casanova (Book 1) is Thursday, November 10th, 6:30AM, 2067]

Timelines interacted with:

Timeline 1: Multiple families/Scarcely

Timeline 2: O'Laughlin family/married into

Timeline 3: Schafer family/married into

Timeline 4- is this timeline

Timeline 5: Bordelier/scarcely, friendly interval

Timeline 6: Boyers/ a part of Timeline 2-married into

Timeline 7: Brians/Married into-Willow


Stratford: Known for reinvention and defying rules-The Queen. The state's capitol, holds port which brings in goods

Arcclave: 203 miles away from Stratford. Known for its quietness and peace despite size, also medical programs- The King, the tallest structure in the country

Aristole: 149 miles away from Stratford. Known for its beaches and tourist attractions

Glendale: 160 miles away from Stratford. Known for political science, most lawyers learn from Glendale University

Nix: 127 miles away from Stratford. Known for richness and silence


This entire book is a backstory on timeline 4, told in a way that will reveal backstory to the characters in the present day book (that is currently being edited and aspires to be paperback one day) but won't cover what the book will. This is simply a more in-depth dive of one-of many- timelines.

Planned books:

(Series name: The Stories of Stratford: The Series)

Book 1: Casanova-still in editing (NOW AVAILABLE ON WATTPAD- UPDATED WEEKLY)

Book 2: Within the Jaws- heavily planned, chapter structure is set up

Book 3: The Family-planned

Book 4: The Alliance-planned

Book 5: The Fall-planned

(Author's note: Thank you so much for reading all the way through! It really means a lot to me. I know you might not read all of this, but this is just a simple few fun facts about the story you just read- it is an updated version of an original project started back in 2019. I have worked on these characters and such nonstop since then and do plan on getting my planned series out there. There are still so many timelines and backstories/lore that won't fully get covered in the series, so I will write them here, so the people who read them have an inside scoop on what is occurring. Again, thank you so much for reading!)

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