49: A High-Speed Chase

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It was his gentle demeanor that made her fall harder.

Connor was someone Willow thought couldn't exist, not with all that she's experienced. He was slow and precise- calm and gentle. She expected him to be like the rest of the boys, only wanting one thing, but he seemed more interested in what she was trying to pursue. To some kind of delight, he had the same dream, though he wanted to be a homicide detective. She never asked what the root of this dream was, she simply just accepted his passion.

Earlier that year, when the snow was starting to become slush, Willow met someone that she noticed had the same attitude as her. Her skin was dark, her stare almost always perceived as a glare. When Willow sat down next to her, noticing her as a girl from her class, she knew this girl would be a good person to ask her question.

Her name was Zoe Bordelier.

Willow sat down across from her once, knocking on the table gently to get her attention. Zoe had headphones in, a book next to her computer. Willow guessed she was doing research. She didn't blame her, the library was the quietest place in the area. 

Can I help you? Zoe asked, her tone flat. Willow noted that some of the rumors that she was mean were based on first glance, though she didn't shy away.

Can I ask you a question? Willow leaned in, knowing that her persistence would eventually make someone like Zoe Bordelier cave. 

About? Zoe asked flatly, her gaze jumping around Willow's face, as if trying to identify her. 

Well, it's about-

Wait. Zoe put a hand up, her tone finally earning some kind of emotion into it. 

I know you. Willow paused, glancing around before nodding. 

You're Willow Schafer. 

Yeah, from our class we share- Zoe shook her head, waving her hand. 

No-no, you're Henrik Schafer's kid, right? Willow shifted in her seat, suddenly uneasy. 

Yeah. Is my dad's famous or...? Zoe shook her head, laughing gently. 

Well I don't know that one. I'm Aidan's girlfriend. She stuck out her hand. Willow awkwardly shook it, tilting her head, furrowing her eyebrows.

  Ah. So you know my dad through him? Zoe nodded.

Yeah. It's all Aidan talks about. It's all about Henrik. Now Willow was intrigued, the question she wanted to ask earlier leaving her mind. 

Oh really? Why's that? Zoe shrugged, seeming to not know the answer.

  I don't know from his perspective, but I do know that Henrik is a large figure in the family. Kind of like a second father next to Mr. O'Laughlin. Willow tilted her head. 

Probably because he was the first father out of all his kids. Willow shook her head gently, recoiling softly. 

I don't see how that has any correlation.

Henrik, Aidan tells me, was the man who made him into who he is today. Aidan listened to Henrik more than he listened to his actual father. Zoe seemed to laugh about the fact. 

Willow shared the chuckle, suddenly wondering about her own father's young life. When she started to think about it, she realized she barely knew anything about her father, or where he came from. She did know that Henrik had a medallion of some sorts with his last name etched into the back. It was an object he'd touch frequently, as if recalling his roots.

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