27: Little Fallen Angels

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I wanted to be there. I needed to be there. 

Henrik whispered into her ear. His arms were wrapped around her, chest to her back. 

The only thoughts would have when he'd bring up his absence from his children's lives was the ability to give him that experience. Sarah would give it a thought, feeling that delicious turn in her stomach. At first, Sarah and Henrik would only have sex for pleasure, yet now she was debating on getting pregnant. Though, she knew she'd have to ask, but a major part of her just wanted to do it, with or without his knowledge.

It was only when she brought it up to him did she notice how his eyes lit up. Maybe it was his instinct as a man, or maybe it was the excitement that came with having another child and being present for their coming into the world.

I don't want you to think I'm forcing you... Henrik spoke quietly, hands roaming her body softly. Sarah cradled his face, kissing his forehead, running her hands through his hair. 

I already have everything I could ask.

I can give you more. Sarah whispered, moving his hands further down her body. Henrik groaned gently, flicking his fingers along her plump flesh. It was his zero hesitation that only made her want it more. It was the softness of his touches that completely outweighed any bad that could possibly happen.

It was the spring of 2035. Henrik and Sarah managed to scrape enough of their money together to buy a larger space for them to live together. At first, Sarah was antsy, double counting her money. But she noticed how Henrik was unbothered, though he clearly recounted, making sure it was all there. Not once did Sarah see any anxiety flow through him. 

Her children fled to the rooms, picking out where they would want to live. They were 11 now, with good heads on their shoulders. Sammy had his own guitar, and would have to be pulled from his bed whilst he played so he could eat. Willow would buy him joke books as a lure to get him out of the room. It seemed like a happy family as they moved in and settled down.

Sarah watched, rubbing her belly, a smile growing on her face. This felt too good to be true, especially when Henrik would lay his hands over hers, resting his chin on her shoulder.

The house was large, with the foyer being an open room that led into the kitchen, with the stairs being to the right. Sammy took the room right off the stairs, and Willow took the room down the hallway upstairs. From Sammy's window, they could see the city from their place in the suburbs, including that large tower that defied the limits of the sky. Willow's window looked into the backyard. She joked that she liked looking at the leaves of the tree since that's all she could see.

The nights were quiet, with the children asleep, Henrik would rub her arm, watching the TV that rested on their wall. Sarah's fingers would run through Henrik's hair as they began to shift. Each time they fell into bed together, Henrik wouldn't let go of her, and Sarah wouldn't dare let go of him.

Sarah was expecting this pregnancy to go smoothly, having tested positive 2 weeks earlier. When she showed Henrik, he hugged her tightly. She felt happy, putting a hand on her lower belly. It almost felt full in her womb, and she knew that what she wanted was going to happen. 

The days continued on, and Henrik was always asking how he could help her. Though they were both busy, Sarah would promise him that what he was doing now was just fine. Holding her tight at night was all she needed. The only reassurance and comfort she craved.

Soon, it was 10 weeks. The spring began to turn into summer, the days heating up. Willow and Sammy would help around the house, noticing that Sarah was watching what she was eating. Sammy would ask Willow if she noticed anything wrong with their mother and she'd always reply that she didn't know. Willow always knew and just didn't know how to tell him.

Sarah began to feel sick. Henrik started to work later, tired circles beginning to form underneath his eyes. She never told him.

Around the 11 week mark, Sarah could feel her body beginning to ache. Something was wrong, and nothing felt right, and she just wondered if it was something she ate. She'd go to sleep without Henrik's warm presence to comfort her. Though, she'd always wake up in the middle of the night to him wrapping his arms around her, groaning with exhaustion.

One night, Sarah went to sleep. In her dreams she felt her body aching. It felt sharp and painful, like someone was stabbing through her body to make their way to her unborn child. Then, in the middle of this nightmare, the pain stopped. But no relief came.

Henrik quietly crept up the stairs, rubbing his eyes. Before he could open the bedroom door, he heard Sarah groaning. Henrik creaked the door open. The light from the TV painted their sheets an odd color. He noticed how she was gripping the sheets, head tossing from side to side in pain. Henrik flicked on the lights, the orange illumination painting their room in a bright flash. His eyes adjusted for a moment, staring down at her body. When he saw the trail of blood coming from her, he dashed to her, kicking obstacle out of the way to get to her side.

Sarah was crying, holding her lower belly. Blood coated her hands, covering her thighs and belly in red. She seemed to gag and gasp from pain, groaning as if she had gotten stabbed inside her body. Henrik used his fading strength to lift her up off the bed. He wrapped a towel around her and quickly placed her in his car.

At first, Henrik couldn't recognize what he was doing, though he knew he was trying his best.

She was placed on the gurney when they got to the hospital, taking her away from him. They left Henrik standing there, blood on his hands and smeared on his clothing. The stain was the least of his worries. 

It was the wait that was killing him. The possibility of something dire affecting his future wife. Henrik would pace, clean clothes on, picking at his clean fingernails. It was when the doctor came out and reported what she believed to be happening did the facade he built around his tender heart begin to falter. Henrik didn't want to believe it. Not that Sarah lost a lot of blood, or that her body was evacuating the growing life inside her. It was the middle of the night, but he couldn't feel his exhaustion. Only worry was in his mind. A deep seeded worry was fresh in his body. 

What was coming out of her was too much for one baby. Henrik began to wonder if he gave Sarah another set of twins- twice more pain than what she didn't deserve.

They kept her there, fueling the fear inside him. Even more so when he returned home to Willow awake and Sammy looking for his mother. Willow asked, watching her father as he hesitated to answer. Her repeated question had more fire within it. She worried that whatever happened was because of his intent. Sammy was the one to stumble into their bedroom, eyes growing wide when he saw the puddle of blood in their sheets, his mother's hand print smeared into the whiteness when she gripped the sheets, trying to cope with the pain.

Willow asked him again. Henrik could see her worry spilling out in stressful tears. Then, his son was rushing down the stairs, eyeing up his father as if he had killed their mother. Sammy was the one to hit Henrik, demanding to know what happened. They stood there in front of him, eyes pleading for an answer. Henrik assured them that everything was okay. They didn't seem to believe it.

I would never hurt your mother.

Willow scowled, tears beginning to fall from her eyes. Sammy's fists clenched tight, the muscle in his jaw jumping. 

What happened? Sammy asked. Willow noticed how her father seemed hesitant. He shakily explained that their mother was in the hospital, but she was okay. She was noticing how the subject even brought her father to a shaky state. Willow began to think of the worse.

She hugged Henrik, claiming that she believed him. Sammy was now the one who was hesitant, but he managed to hug his father. They could feel him shaking, holding them tighter than he did before. Willow noticed how Henrik seemed afraid to let them go, like whatever happened to his unborn children would come and take them next. They hugged him tighter, their minds never leaving their mother and their arms never faltering in their strength. 

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