22: Nail In The Coffin

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Every lie was sold as truth to them. Each word said was like a sting to their heart, but they believed it to be fact.

The ones who never fully believed it were the twins, Willow and Sammy. They were the ones who got a full taste of Oliver's lies, his attempts to twist their mind into believing what Emma and Alex already perceived as the horrible truth.

The mother that was supposed to care never cared at all. She used them all for her own selfish gain. The only reason they existed was for their marriage to solidify so Sarah could have all the money his family accumulated. She was the leech- the parasite- that was infecting the Grean family.

The year was slowly turning into 2034, and their court date was up and coming. 

Trailing this important event, was the sudden realization that the world was sick. That what was perceived as normal in their household was normal everywhere. It was as if Oliver had completely turned his back on God, yet asked for forgiveness every time he left Willow laying there bleeding.

The first time it occurred, Sammy thought she was gone. He stood there and screamed in fear, collapsing to the floor in anguish, only for Oliver to splash some water on her and wake her up. Willow would groan, slowly getting up from her bloody bed, feeling the burn in her young body. Her aching core was a foreign concept to her, one that hurt like hell and stung like a swarm of bees. This pain was one she would never wish on anybody, not even her mean sister.

Each time was quieter than the last, and Willow found herself getting used to the feeling of being forced open. She loathed this punishment, though it seemed to happen for no reason at all. Like her punishment was for her own existence.

Every day seemed to descend deeper into a hell she couldn't recognize. The home became a cage and Willow began to wonder if this feeling, this cage that was suppose to be a cocoon of safety, was what drove her mother away.

When she became honest about her differences in her identity, she could see the devil coming to Oliver's eyes. The punishment became worse, rougher and less merciful. Oliver didn't pray to God for his forgiveness, only for her fixing; a prayer that was for her sins and her sins only.

Bruises began to form on her little body, and hits started to become abundant. Willow often fell to the floor after a smack to her face. She'd slowly get up, gasping from the stinging pain. Her eyes would meet her brother's, a face she'd never forget. It was in the way he was ashen, gripping his pants in anxiety, jaw clenching. Sammy would watch as she was picked up off the floor only to be struck down again.

It was when Sammy saw her cry was when he stepped in. Oliver would curse at him, spitting venom his way as Sammy stood in front of Willow's aching body. Sammy learned his language, often using it against him any time Willow would fall to the floor. Each bone seemed to be damaged in her body, unable to support her thinning flesh. Willow began to throw up from the pain she was experiencing, forcing her to take care of her teeth more often, since the acid from her stomach was trying to rot through.

His anger was aimed at both of them, Sammy often finding himself practically drowning in the bath, being held down by his nape in the hot bubbly water. Willow would find her brother thrashing and would jump on Oliver's back, hitting him in his collarbone with her entire might, screaming in fear as he would get up and push her off. Her shoulder would meet the toilet, knocking it lose, making her scream out as her body hit the tile.

Sammy would push himself out of the tub, collapsing onto the bath mat below him, gasping for air, choking on the water in his airways. Oliver would pray for their sinful nature, though he didn't have any proof that Sammy was making the same unfixable mistake as Willow- a mistake they couldn't control.

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