56: Avenge and Revenge

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A couple months after that sight, Willow wouldn't speak. Sammy noticed it, Zoe noticed it, her parents noticed it. But she couldn't tell them.

She could never tell them.

The plan concocting in her head seemed sinister as she began to explain it to Zoe. Though, Willow couldn't care. She had already done something wrong a month before she came to Zoe with this diabolical scheme.

 Maybe it was sweet and simple revenge that drove her further into the family so she could get back at her ex with his sister, or maybe she just wanted to. Perhaps it was a simple desire and a one time thing.

But that was the least of her worries.

Willow stood in front of Zoe, watching as she rubbed her temples. Recently, Zoe had lost someone very dear to her, and Willow was giving her the option to opt out. Though, loss didn't seem to stop her from avenging that woman they saw in that garage.

This is risky. Zoe stared up at Willow. She was sitting down, watching as Willow paced, finger to her chin as she thought. 

What's risky is staying there any longer. Zoe huffed gently, nodding to Willow's point. 

Quitting's an option. Zoe flatly said. 

Sure... Willow wanted to give into what was coming from her hands: the experience of murder. When she was thinking about it, she was usually afraid. Those people, that girl that tried to feed herself didn't deserve her anger, but that guy... that guy who attacked Trisha Knott deserved each little twist Willow put into his throat.

Mr. Marshell deserved what Willow was planning.

Zoe. You've smelled that place. If Mr. Marshell has that one out in the open, what's the chance he has more hidden? Willow watched as Zoe shrugged, lips pursing as if wondering the possibility. 

I'm not asking you help me kill him. Willow managed, sitting down in the chair across from her. 

That's what it sounds like. Zoe said, crossing her arms. 

No. All I'm asking is that you help me get rid of the place.

Why? Zoe asked, sounding incredulous. Willow knew she wouldn't agree to what she was planning, but she knew it didn't hurt to try. 

Zoe, what if that's how he lures in victims? Zoe fell silent.

  If we get rid of the place, he can stop hurting women. Zoe huffed. 

Okay, but you have to promise me that you call the police first. Willow nodded. 

I will. I promise.


Willow knew she wasn't deceiving, or trying to. When she made a promise, she was dead set on keeping it. Now, walking in, she wasn't so sure she could keep it. Everything went by as normal. The hours were long, there was plenty of work, but Willow prepared to end everything in a way that would ensure nothing bad would ever happen again.

This plan gave her a sense of control. Like she could manipulate the situation into going smoothly. It was the power she didn't have before. 

The plan was relatively simple. An electric fire at the end of the shift- later so everybody would be gone and nobody would get hurt. Willow had 911 on speed dial, prepared to execute this plan. Her body was aching in a way she couldn't quite understand.

They were slowly sneaking their belongings out to their cars, knowing that once the fire started, they'd be too late to save anything but themselves- that is if they ran fast enough. Willow remembered watching Zoe's face fall as she showed a completely thought out idea of what they were about to do. Though Zoe didn't question it. She seemed to follow Willow blindly, compliant to whatever Willow's sinister plan required.

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