7: The First Born In To Fear

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When Sarah finally got sick, Oliver seemed finally content. She tested herself, realizing that it was positive. That a little life was being created within her body. She began to get antsy, realizing that she was about to have a baby at 19. Sarah had read the possible harms that could effect her. The amount of ways she could die made her consider an abortion, to which Oliver almost hit her. 

You will not get rid of my son.

Sarah felt trapped, holding her growing belly with both hands as it took up her body, changing her anatomy. Weeks turned into quick months. Sarah found Oliver caring for her, rubbing her belly, whispering how strong of a son this baby was going to be. He'd fall asleep on her belly, his rough stubble scratching her skin, his hand cradling the underside of the bump. Oliver was adamant that the life growing in her uterus was his son. His name was going to be Alex, and he'd share the same face, skin tone, and strength.

So when Sarah went in for her ultrasound, the Grean family gathering around to see the sex of the baby, Oliver nearly cursed aloud. Sarah could feel a smile growing her lips as she realized there were no protrusions. She was fostering the life of a girl inside her body. Sarah went home that night, noticing how Oliver seemed dismissive again. He was sour, suddenly careless and indifferent to the support he was supposed to be providing. 

That night, Sarah rubbed her belly, muttering to her unborn girl. 

You're going to be the strongest girl, my little Emma. She stared up at the ceiling, rubbing her hand over her enlarged belly. 

You're not going to let anyone tell you what you can or cannot be.

Now, the Grean family was out in the waiting room, listening to Sarah's groans and screams of agony as her little baby girl was making her way through her birth canal. Sweat dripped down Sarah's face, her teeth chattering as pain tore through her body like molten lava. Her mother was by her side, holding her hand, letting her squeeze it with so much force as she pushed. She spoke her through her pain, watching as she stared up at the ceiling, tears of absolute agony rolling down her cheeks. 

"You're so strong, Sarah-"

No words seemed to register. She was hearing them, but could only focus on the throbbing pain that was leaving her uterus. Emma's head was large and round like hers, breaking way through the hole and into the world. Sarah gripped the side of the bed, almost feeling her bones shifting in her palm as she squeezed. Sweat dripped down her body; everything seeming to come undone in her mind as she continued to push. First the head broke through her, then her shoulders.

Sarah could feel the end of the road, blood rushing around her body as she began to tear. She wanted to scream out her daughter's name, hoping that the mention of her beautiful baby girl would get her out into the world faster. Sarah squeezed her mother's hand harder, clenching her eyes shut, clenching her jaw as she mustered the last bit of strength to push Emma out into the world.

There was a ringing in her ears when she reopened her eyes. Emptiness followed her, the feeling of her baby being out of her body. It was silent. Then, the most glorious sound she's ever heard rang through the air. Emma was crying. Her mother looked towards her ankles, watching the doctors handling the baby softly. Astrid's eyes went wide, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes as she saw the sight of Sarah's creation. Sarah looked, seeing Emma's little body and her slick brown hair. She was large and healthy, her cries ringing out into the space that made Sarah want to cry. 

They cut the umbilical cord, offering Sarah to hold her baby. Emma was placed in her arms, her cries falling quiet as Sarah held her. There were no words to say as she stared down at her daughter. She only held her tears of joy as she stared down at Emma who breathed beautifully in her arms. Then, Astrid held her granddaughter, carefully staring at her. Sarah let her head fall back, a sigh of relief from the pain following. Then, silence fell, and her body collapsed into a restful reset.

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