24: Meeting A Father

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Sarah could tell her children were nervous.

She tried to prolong the meeting, but soon felt antsy. It had been a couple weeks, almost 2 months since she brought them to Stratford. In the first week, Sarah visited Henrik whilst her children slept. They were shivering as they cuddled close together in a single bed she managed to create in her apartment.

Henrik gave her tea, eyebrows furrowed as he watched her sip at the liquid. So far, he had been nothing but appreciative of her truthfulness, though Sarah could tell he was now second-guessing her words each time she spoke to him. Even more so when she tried to explain how she believed Henrik had children.

At first, he thought she was joking. Then, he slowly put down his cup, eyes widening. 

Sarah. Please tell me you're joking. 

She shook her head. Henrik turned away from her, a motion he never did. Sarah fiddled with her pants, watching as he turned back around, hands to his lips, breathing slowly. Fear began to brew, though it was quickly extinguished as she realized who she was sitting in front of. Sarah knew for a fact that Henrik would do nothing intentional to hurt her- physically or emotionally.

We used protection. He said slowly, firmly, as if to try and keep his voice from trembling. Sarah couldn't understand why he was quivering. 

Sometimes, it doesn't work. 

That's the whole point of protection, Sarah! It has to work! 

It felt like the first time Henrik ever raised his voice towards her. She felt herself beginning to cower, gripping the fabric of her pants in sudden fear. Henrik stared at her, eyes wide, his chest heaving. Sarah said nothing, hoping that whatever strong emotion that was running through him would eventually stop- or at least lessen.

She sat there in silence, wondering if there was ever going to be a safe place to run. Then, she heard him sigh. Looking up, Henrik took a sip of his tea, closing his eyes tight, taking breaths. Sarah began to wonder why he was angry in the first place. She soon noticed that he wasn't angry with her but rather with himself. 

What is their name?

Sarah clenched her hands together, breathing slowly, eyebrows furrowing. 

Willow and Samuel. 

A boy and girl? Henrik glanced up at her, the shock spreading across his face.

They're twins. Sarah explained. Whatever regret or guilt flowing through him seemed to double and he let his head hang. 

Henrik... Sarah reached out, grazing his arm. Henrik didn't move, nor did he take her touch within his own like he normally did. 

What's wrong? She asked.

The reason I asked for a condom was because I thought I'd never see you again. I didn't want to leave you alone with a child. 

Sarah watched his shoulders heave. Then it hit her: Henrik felt irresponsible for something he could've never known.

If I wanted to intentionally give you children, I wanted to be there. I wanted to be there with you when you brought them into the world. I wanted-

Henrik. Sarah was up, holding his hand as he shook his head, jaw clenching. He paused, looking at her. There was no more fear left in her eyes, only a small growing happiness that was brewing tears into her eyes. 

I didn't know. A heartfelt smile was slowly spreading, tears of an emotion beginning to make her smile falter.

I thought they were my husband's, but... then I saw Sam. Sarah's smile only grew wider at the thought of her son.

He looks just like you. Henrik's body visibly jolted gently, as if surprised. 

And they both have your sharp blue eyes.

Sarah stared up at him, noticing how his expression began to change. First it was realization, then it was shock, then wonder.

Now, as she stands in front of his door, holding her breath, feeling the grip of her children's hands on her wrists tighten in anxiety, Sarah wondered if they were meeting him too soon. It was the fear that they'd be scared. She was counting on their instincts to tell them that Henrik had a connection to them.

He slowly opened the door, peering down at the small children. Henrik first looked at Willow, noticing how she had some of his features, like the bridge of his nose and the bright blue eyes. Then, his gaze went over to Sammy: his son, who had his thick brown hair, bright blue eyes, and that curious stare laced with his fascination. It was like looking at himself when he was younger.

Willow stepped back, holding her mother's hand tightly, staring up at the man who nearly had two feet on her. Sammy stared up at the man, his eyes squinting as if trying to see if he could identify him. 

"Can we come in?" Sarah asked, to which Henrik nodded silently. He backed up, staring at these two small children. He could see the similarities, suddenly realizing what he created and left behind.

"Willow, Samuel... this is Henrik." Sarah said slowly, getting down on a knee, staring at the two of them. Sammy turned to this tall man and walked up to him. Henrik stood there, looking down at his son. To his surprise, Sammy put out a hand, offering a handshake. Sarah let a chuckle loose, to which Willow watched Henrik keenly as if ready to attack him if he got the wrong idea.

Henrik hesitantly took Sammy's small hand and shook it. 

"Nice to meet you." Sammy said formally. At first Henrik thought it was odd, then it soon turned funny to him. Like his manners carried down in his genetics and was instilled into his son. 

"Who is he?" Willow muttered to her mother. Sarah rubbed Willow's head, noticing how she was hugging close to her body. Willow was scared of Henrik, and Sarah didn't blame her. Compared to Henrik, Willow and Sammy stood just above his forearm, whereas Sarah stood at his shoulder.

"He's..." Sarah glanced back at Henrik who was now bending down on a knee, getting on level with Sammy. Willow glanced at him, clenching her jaw. There was something oddly familiar to him, though she couldn't quite tell. Then, Sammy glanced back at his mother and sister. Now, Willow saw it.

"He's your father." The title was at the tip of Sarah's tongue, and it lingered there like a bad cut- it would've been better to just rip the band-aid off. The sound of the title seemed to make Henrik shiver, but it went unnoticed to the two children. Willow looked at him, her eyes hardening. Sarah noticed how guarded she seemed whereas Sammy seemed more openminded. She quietly encouraged Willow to which she simply shook her head and stood by her side.

Sarah looked up at Henrik, who was softly staring at Willow. He seemed to think intently, eyebrows furrowing, head slightly tilting. 

"We're going to make this work." Sarah muttered, looking at Henrik who nodded back. Sammy didn't back away, not how Willow did when he stood up straight. 

"Yes..." Henrik nodded once more. Willow shrunk further away at the sound of his voice.

"Yes, we will."

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