Chapter: 1: Just The Beginning

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             High school. The time period of your life, when looking back you wish you hadn’t done that. Not for me. I’ve always learned to not make my decisions on my own, I learned to take it up with God, and then wait for my answer.

                         Some people say I have my entire life planned out, because I am so confident. The truth is I don’t have a planned out life, only God knows my destiny. I

Could understand why my friends think I have a bit of insanity to me, but I always say to them, it’s as easy as not walking by sight and trust that something beyond understanding is keeping your life together. It’s not easy talking about my life; I’ve had millions of doors slammed in my face, but found my self-assurance again in the trillions that opened.

                         I didn’t do it on my own though. I had the most astounding parents anyone could have asked for. They didn’t shove their beliefs on me; I mean it wasn’t like they had to. It was a thing between them that were so unlike from other couples. They were two in one, loving each other like every day was their very last. If I had to choose anyone who fought the good fight, who were driven, and lived the good life, it would be them. They showed me what the kingdom of God was like; they told me how everything was created, what it meant to live, and what it meant to leave this earth.        

I just wished that things weren’t as troublesome for me than it was for my parents. I feel as though every time I step a foot out of my house it’s like a battlefield. When I tell people who I am it feels like people are jumping down my throat for false information. I stand up for my faith and correct them, but not even words can get through them. You can’t spread the gospel when there isn’t anything to spread it on. It’s not like God can step down from heaven and reveal Himself… them there would be no purpose for a bible.

It seems at times that there is so many of them and just me.


               Before I am off to another day of war I make sure I have my armor and the Holy Spirit is directing me every step of the way. The back of my feet use to hit the ground, but I am on my toes, it has become uncomfortable and hard like walking on hot coals.

              I open to scripture and as I am reading I can feel the spirit placing my armor as I

Take on the word, like painting a picture. This is how I prepare for a challenging day in a godless world. In battle, I believe that two are better than one, my knight and shining armor is James Hallow. Together we can accomplish great things. Together we will reach the sick, the poor, and the hurt, with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We know someone out there is hungry for the word and to find relief. I want to be able to lock them into the love, love that was displayed to all.

              Before my faith became a wildflower, I kept God in a box. I never thought about being a missionary. I use to think that I needed to finish school and be successful, the type of success that would get me a high paying salary and a degree. That’s what the world tells you to do, but I never heard anyone say do what makes you happy no matter what you’re earning.

I make it to school and as I walk down the halls I don’t heed to the unkind stares I get from people who don’t understand me, but think they know me.

             As the comments came rolling in like clouds of thunder and as the thunder strikes me, my steel like armor blasted them back twice as hard. Those harsh words reached my ears, but they could never reach my soul, those lies and malice spoken against me only to strip me out of my faith couldn’t compare to God’s wrath. The bell rung and it was time to head to class, but that didn’t mean the war had ended. It was like being trapped between Satan’s temptation to fight fire with fire and his minions.           

              Our professor assigned us an assignment to do and we needed our own test scanners that he told us to buy in advance. If he had to provide us some, you would be expecting a minus fifty percent on your paper. I could hear my enemies contemplating how they forgot to get test scanners and I had more than enough, I am tempted to just throw them under the bus, but God said, “Instead, if your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads." I got up from my seat and handed them what they needed. I didn’t feel quite satisfied, but felt respite from my tippy toes to my finger tips, releasing me from anger and came in forgiveness.

            The bell rung again a few minutes after I finished my test. A friend that I care about, Courtney came to my side with a disagreement she had with me, from the sound of it, it feels like it was on the edge of her tongue for some time.

“I can’t believe what you did back there!” She says in disbelief.

“Oh?” I say preparing for my lesson, which I needed to teach to her.

“Yeah! Everyone was looking at you like you were senseless, why you would give those b**** --“ I give her a look when she says that word, she acknowledges that hate cuss words.

“You know what I meant…” She says, throwing her hands up and rolling her eyes.“I understand that what they have done to me is very wrong and I should have thrown them under the bus, yes?”

“Yeah!” She obviously agrees.

“Should you fight hate with hate?” I say.

“Yes! --"

“No.” I correct her. “You should fight hate with love, love casts out a multitude of sin, and my kindness should bring them shame for what they have done. I am the bigger person because I have turned against their ways.”

“That is pointless; they’ll just take advantage of you.” She says continuing.

“Maybe so, but I don’t want something I could have made better stop me from getting into the kingdom of heaven.” I say turning into the next hallway.

“But! --"

“Sticks and stones, Courtney, Sticks and stones.”

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